
منتشر شده در Bulgaria - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 26 Jan 2020 10:58 - 14


Hallo Everyone.
Dear Ladiesand Gentlmans,
I want to offer an article about M-Units Tournament facts.
Let`s see first week results:


Top Military Units :
At this time ORENDA is in first place with 53.184 B damage.
This MU is from Bulgaria, their Commander is Mr. Boikov – he did 2.335 Bfor his team and he is 32th place in Top Soldiers.
Captains are – Alcek 2.821 B, Espor 1.875 B and VeleV isn`t top 50 soldiers.

The highest damage from Orenda has jDeveloper with 3.907 B.
Second Military Unit is - Serbian Special Forces – with 48.849 B damage.
This guys are from Serbia, Moonshadow is leading them and he made 6.581B damage and he is Second place in Top Soldiers.
Capitans are : coss 6.722 B Damage and he is at first place in top soldiers. Piko – 4.404 B damage and he is 5th place in Top Soldiers. CemiSRB – 2.507 B damage is in 25thplace.

Capitan coss is his teams best shooter.

This two MU is main opponents of winning tournament..

Third Military Unit is - ILLYRIAN WARRIORS – with 39.819 B damage.

ILLYRIANS are from Albania, their Commander is BiG Serxhio – he did3.783 B damage and he is 8th place.
Capitans are : ylber5 with 5.011B damage is in 4th place. Buldozer – 3.842 B damage in 7thplace. Mr Bushi – 2.766 B damage in 19th place.

iqiroptarmikut is ILLYRIAN`s best fighter with5.607 B damage and he is third place in Top Soldiers.


    Orendahas 10 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.

    Serbian Special Forces has 9 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.

    ILLYRIAN WARRIORS has 8 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Bulgarian Lions has 5 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Roosters has 5 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Panzer has 2 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Brotherhood of Steel has 2 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Macedonian Army has 3 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Serbian Legion has 2 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    CrΩmega has 1 fighters in Top 50 Soldierlist.
    Heroes del Perú 2 fighters in Top 50 Soldier list.
    Legión Imperial Azteca 1 fighter in Top 50 Soldier list.
*   ILLYRIAN`s has 31 soldiers in their MU, they are looking good, but how long it will continue   we`ll see next week. Good luck guys.

Here is facts and you can write analise in comments.

we will meet at the end of tournament.

Sub my newspaper and donate o7

حمایت کردن

SaSoldierBuldozerBuldozerBuldozerKvii left game day671Kvii left game day671Polyarnyy MedvedcoasssscoasssscoasssscoassssPicaroonDesteroidartistBiG SerxhioBiG SerxhioBiG SerxhioAdminAdminAdminAdminlegolaslegolaslegolascarssssscarssssscarssssscarssssscarssssscarssssscarssssscarsssssFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisackaFisacka

نظرات (14)

I`m so sorry for some type problems
Very nice stats
CrΩmega have 2 soldiers in top50 Smile
https://prnt.sc/qtcn3h Romanian Army is comming!
when i wrote this article at this time CrΩmega had only 1 soldier in top... and romania wasn`t in the list
hmm... some people need to get a Life, honestly.