Panzer News

منتشر شده در United States of America - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 15 Dec 2019 12:28 - 28

Since holidays come for all of us 
Polar representing the Front sit down to talk with me that i represented USA and i shared his talks to Perus rep Rosiel we decided that due to holidays coming soon its better for all of us to relax and spend less time in this game.So we decided on a Nap that works for all of us 

Nap terms are the following

1.Peru-Usa will not DW front and front will not DW them
2.Peru-Usa will not fight on Rws of Front and Front in RWs of USA-Peru
3.Cro leaves Iceland and Saudi Arabia leaves Kasmiri region
4.SA route through India to Thailand(North-Northeast and Central thailand regions) but after SA p return of Indian regions to USA
5.A talk to be had between USA-Albania and Ireland to decide which regions of UK will go where
6.Cores of Ireland and Spain are not to be attacked by anyone in Front or USA-Peru
 7.After Japan wiped returned 2 region but Japan cant sign MPPs with Front cause then they can use it as proxy war.If mpps are signed Japan will be perma wiped and Front cant fight in their mpp
8.USA-Peru cant fight vs Front via Mpps and Front cant fight vs USA-Peru via MPPs
9.Whoever breaks this Nap will have to pay 1000 gold to the other10.Nap till 10th of January
10.The Nap last till 10th of January

The route of SA to Thailand will be this USA attack Kasmiri then Sindh then Gujarat then Marathi and we already attacked the Pakistan region we need for connection that way when SA after that attacks Hindi then Bengali then Northeast India and from there ThailandAfter that Usa will attack back Hindi Bengali and Northeast India and then SA can have back Sindh Gujarat Marathi
Nap is active from the time its released and all CPs of Front members USA and Peru need to sign this

حمایت کردن

Polyarnyy Medvednodaz99jedimindtrickEvil SmortyTarsiartistDeathB4DishonorROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYROMAN DIMITRYSane MeloVingadorThe Dark KnightThe Dark KnightThe Dark KnightThe Dark KnightThe Dark KnightEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranEldrad UlthranRonaldRdanx776gargabgJIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3JIMM3idttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidttidtt

نظرات (28)

Signed by former Emperor of the Sacred Empire of Perú
Signed by Cp of USA
Signed by United Albanian Kingdom
Rosiel no representa al Perú XD pero es bueno un poco de paz y amistad en esta época del año XD
Signed by Cp of the Sacred Empire of Perú
Peru SMB
He does Daario since rest of you aint active on discord XD
ste men xd
Votado desde la PCM
Signed o7
Signed by CP of Poland
Signed by dictator of Saudi Arabia
Agreed o7
Point 5 signed by me Irish CP Laugh
Signed for Sir Lord Emperor of the Sacred Empire of Perú o7
Signed by CP of Hungary
Signed by CP of Serbia
dont cry peru
Signed by Croatian CP. o7
Signed by SC
In Serbia our government didn t write anything about this NAP. So NAP doesnt apply for Serbia. We will continue to hit in Peru.
Govedo be a normal human being and respect what you gov decided and follow the nap It would suck Serbia to 1000 gold for some of you that run around and hit vs peru
Signed by su papá el camello
Signed by vMofa Drugsmx
NAP is for girls, Peaky Blinder sign this NAP and show yourself 😁
Govedo, we are not surprised why no one likes you, lol. Just respect the nap and that’s all