24 sata

Moto - روزنامه از Portugal -

منتشر شده در Croatia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 29 Aug 2019 02:47 - 27

After 320 and more days I decide to quit from game soon as my friend Korisnik end CP mandate he will also quit from game, I want to thnx for nice game friends wish you a good luck ingame and in real life.

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نظرات (27)

fala bogu
Hvala na lepom druzenju i sve najlepse u RL druze o7
o7 gl dude
Goodbye 07 and send me gold and items
Good bye, crazy head o7
Goodbye 07 and send me gold and items thx
Good bye moto
Great person, great player ! Goodbye Motorina o7
Goodbye o7
Gde ces? vracaj se vamo da se dogiramo kao sav normalan svet...
Good bye! Smile
I am sorry to hear that Sad
Aj ne budali 😄 nego do bg-a na ladno pivce 🤔
Sad so sorry to hear that for both you and Korisnik
send me gold and items HVALA
Good luck in real life mate o7
sretno, ali ovo je ozbiljno glupo, ako mene pitaš .. kasnije ćeš se nekad vratiti i imaćeš šklj acc, bolje idi u dvoklik Laugh
o7 Great player, great enemy, unfortunately didn t get a chance to get to know in person ☹️ Good luck IRL o7
Good bye o7 Good luck in RL ❤
Good luck and all the best in RL!
Good luck,m8
Good luck player in your real life o7
Good luck and all the best in RL! (donate something to allies Smile )