OneButton Illussssion

منتشر شده در Croatia - اولین گام در eRevollution - 09 Apr 2019 08:51 - 24

As everyone, my mission status is reverted to previously completed missions. Ok, no problem, these sort if things happen. 

I have completed all red and blue, and was completing the three green ones with 2500 hits.

I expect to be given enough gold to complete all the missions I have thus far completed, plus half of gold necessary to complete the three mentioned green ones. 

I like this game, but if I don't get the gold, I quit. 

I suspect players will generally agree with this idea. 

---------------------- EDIT ------------------------

ADMIN promptly reacted and sent me gold. Good and fair response. I recommend to everyone to contact Admin ingame or through discord and explain your situation.

Been playing this type of games since 2008/09, this is by far the fastest admin reaction - KUDOS!

حمایت کردن

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نظرات (24)

firstLaughKiss v1s499
Agree o/
agree , when admion cant control well , why we should play this game ? if our acc tomorrow will be delete , Who answers? - _ - +1 +1 +1
Agreed, but if you pm the admins you will get refunded for it. Just like i did and everyone that pmed them. They will only ask for some SS
I was in the same situation, my friend. Depressing
@Safer: Why would anyone take screenshots of his progress? I definitely did not. This whole explanation that there is no backup seems to be fishy for me. And now everyone, even two-clickers get -compensation- while me, having only 3 green and 4 red mission left should basically start it over?!
Agree ! Admins are not profesional
X2, yo complete la misión 39 el día de ayer.. Y hoy debo volver hacerlo! Que mierda..
Pidan el oro al admin que te lo manda para compeltar mision, pero no quieran pasarse de vivos, si no lo usan para las misiones lo remueve
Agree !
People cry again lol. Join discord server, send PM to TovarDante. Show him screenshot of your missions now. He will check and give you gold. Stop complain, it is a game and this things can happen. They give solution so why are you still angry
Pametno zboris, mudri covjece.
sub 500 o7
No they didn t give solution, they give us 25 energy bar and 50 rpg and they think that is ok. That isn t OK...
People cry again lol. Join discord server, send PM to TovarDante. Show him screenshot of your missions now. He will check and give you gold. Stop complain, it is a game and this things can happen. They give solution so why are you still angry
He solved my issue almost perfectly. Ofc it shouldn t have happened, but it s a good reaction from him
I will do my part and not bother Admin with some of my missions. As an engineer in IT I know shit sometimes happens.
tovar peder a i zlocinac Laugh
I am same, but i think admin didnt matter, look at this gifts after apologizing
I pass mission 37 and 39 but they are return and i dont have gold and boosters to complete it againSad we are in IRAN and cant buy any gold from admin.....How want give me suitable answer for this happen???
@beautygirl contact admin through discord, he will try solve it. Many mistakes but it will be better for you than nothing
Admin really reacted very quickly - you may expect a reaction in a couple of hours at most - and resolved all the issues I had. Got previous missions restored and also some compensation (as progress in those missions obviously could not be restored). Time for missions has also been prolonged by rougly a week. If you have not given up on these missions yet, I highly advise you to contact Admin IMMEDIATELY. You can do it here or - if you have access to Discord - find the channel of Erevollution and contact TovarDante.