
منتشر شده در United States of America - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه و تحلیل - 06 Apr 2019 03:58 - 13

Good day fellow Americans.
I have the honor to present you the new American government for the following month.
*Prime minister, an old and experienced player Peaky Blinder
*Minister of Defense, the notorious alliance breaker, Kaveh
*Minister of foreign affairs, the diplomacy fox, HungryKevin
*Governor, the jew Valouk89
*Minister of  public enlightenment and propaganda and responsible for the majority of the Greek debt, Safer

This coming month is a period extremely interesting and demands lots of work to be done, in all aspects of government. 
As you know, USA after the disband of TNT alliance, is currently out of any alliance. We will be working hard in that part to create and participate in an alliance that will match American interests and with respect to traditional allies of USA. Nevertheless we are always open to new challenges and we are not afraid to try new alliance shapes. Whatever will the outcome be, of this effort, it will be the best we can do.

There will be more solid military organization, more supplies and we will advance US firepower as much as we can, so we may help our future allies at maximum and of course protect our country.

The immigration policy will also change, we will make USA a country of open doors and opportunities. 

Since this is just a government presentation article, all remarks above are made briefly. There will be new articles in coming days regarding all these matters from  Safer, that will keep you and the rest of the world, updated for all the changes that will happen.

Thank you for this election,
Let's start o7

حمایت کردن

The ShamanLordMarlockSaferValukAveunMavros KourampiesAncestralSelio MGnodaz99oldmanNimesinsteppenwolfSokolovSokolovSokolovSokolovAlejandro Martin SanchezRodjoBulajaJadelyGalaxy1VoyvodaOdVutreCedaJerryZGBZatezniDejanNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLNick NgLprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisprokroustisSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkoperSkopertomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96tomahawk 96TPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastTPBlastRusty DCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxCrONOxKoukoumafka

نظرات (13)

Hail Trump2 o/
Unite with brazil
let the safering begin
Hail USA o7 Safer --- Gebels [ propaganda minister Laugh ]
More articles from Safer. fml.......
@ChrisGeoRM ++
Good luck o7
New government? Same people since the beginning of the game Laugh Laugh
I am new, dont be harsh guepo
Buena suerte 👍🏼