The Free State Times

منتشر شده در Ireland - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 03 Apr 2019 17:38 - 17


Name is Bris. I've returned, finished my ociates so I'm going to focus on my BA degree now. I got some time to play eRev2 now.  I missed you all deeply. I will be returning to Ireland and will run for the Presidency of Ireland. I will explain more in depth of my plans for Ireland.

Maker sure to leave a comment telling me how you hate me or something.

Love you all,


حمایت کردن

RadovljeNocteHidorionNimesinBoikovpelmerLiamTatlockThe KINGNarlindirLo0pinGAridanraJohnadipetros1GuepoRedWolf77ArkantosArkantosHUNTERmistikomistikoJohnadiAlejandro Martin SanchezLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGoldmanJadelyZeratula Is BackCedaCedaLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockLiamTatlockPureEvilZatezni

نظرات (17)

Welcome back, i hate you ! Chris.
Welcome back!
Welcome back, i hate you ! x2 Laugh
Glad you are back buddy !
Hate is all around Laugh
Bro Sad
Welcome back !
wellcome back
Welcome again o7
Welcome back !
Welcome back and good luck o7
welcome back ^^
Welcome back and let s get the party started!
Welcome back bro