منتشر شده در United States of America - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 10 Feb 2019 11:45 - 28

Dear eRev2 community, with this letter type article we’d like to announce that Panzer Family is back to eRev servers.
History :
Panzer MU was founded in eRev1 server , since then became part of game history as one of the strongest MUs ever. Some of our secrets we will share in this article , while we explain you how our Military Unit operates. First of all we should make known that Panzer is a closed membership MU , meaning that we selectively recruit players. We are obliged to follow this recruitment method , since we encourage only active players to join us. Most of us are players with long time friendship (2+ years) , so be sure that we make a really solid team. As a team we decided our official comeback in the eRev2 server , dedicated to become once again part of History and leave our mark as we always do. Therefore we INVITE all ex-Panzer that play and would like to join us , to simply rejoin our server and ping just one of the commanders there.
Requirements and Benefits:
We set high standards for the players that join us, hence that’s one of our top secrets for success. All kind of players are able to join the unit, as long as they can fit in and serve our purposes. We always decide as a team and all members are equal , considering their opinion most valuable feedback for our future. We encourage sharing with one another, selling our products for the lowest prices and always be ready to fight everything for our targets. Voice chats and regular chat fun is our daily routine, so every new member will make strong bonds with rest team. Last but not least, our military organization includes Supply System, a dedicated Bank for the interests of MU and plenty of action guaranteed! We are not interested in recruiting opportunist players or mercenaries of any kind. Teamwork is our most sacred common shared perk!
In other words, IF you :
Love TeamworkPlenty of fights
Want to meet most crazy players
Love fair play
Are daily active
Use Discord
You have nothing to do , other than join our Discord and simply talk to us there. Also you can contact Commander or Captains from our MU in-game and they will redirect you to our server. Your only obligations are : use our avatar frame, be active on Discord , follow our fights , be ready to sacrifice for the good of whole team.
We comeback ready to impact whole server, give strong and fair fights and we want you to be a part of it. Make sure you learn more details if you are interested in our community!
Hail Panzer and friends! Expect us on battlefield, we are most certainly coming!

حمایت کردن
Peaky BlinderThe ShamaneVokasiThe Last Lynx PardinusJim BridgernikinikiReady Too DieRadovljektabMuffinThe KINGGuepoDieselKofteciRamirezKoukouroukouKoukouroukouKoukouroukouKoukouroukouBardieselDrethPersian LionThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanAkhenaton SetepenraAkhenaton SetepenraAkhenaton SetepenraAkhenaton SetepenraAkhenaton SetepenraAkhenaton SetepenraentexnosentexnosTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DTricky DRagnarokRagnarokنظرات (28)

Lets have a good run boys and girls Panzer o7

PANZER o7 gl

good luck o7 nice to see the panzer name back !

o7 good luck

Good luck my friend! o7

OFC s brothers are back . Welcome o7

Yeah! Let s have some fun o7

Gl guys o7

Muffins for alll 

gl guys

Me esena commander de gamhse kaneis xd

GL o7


Good luck!

good old rivals o7 peaky blender, drethgar, kaveh, etc, etc ♥

Good luck


avatar stealers...


Hail Kumangaard and Panzer o7

Panzer is back o7



o7 o7 o7 heil giovinco