The War Cry

منتشر شده در United States of America - آنالیز مالی - 27 Jan 2019 07:52 - 32  Missions statistics
Day 114 - 5 days till missions end.

Ok missions will soon end so I am giving u some statistics. As you will see most players that completed missions so far are in top 100 players on world rankings. 90% of those players have stars on their profiles.  Others probably just hide their stars. What I mean by this is that if you are player that haven't yet spent money to buy gold or energy you probably won't complete mission. As someone who is one of those players I can tell u that I am on last mission ( Gain one level ) and so far I spent more then 250 energy bars I had in stock and I still need 2500 experience by 5 days. The gold that I received from missions, I spent on completing new missions so it's not like I made profit from them. I boosted my account a bit but with amount of gold I spent on mission I could've upgraded TC which would've made more boost in long term.

But enough of that U came for stats here are stats:

The upper image was supposed to be table with links here but formating code apparently doesn't work on articles.

World Rank Player Level Citizenship1. Celio MG 56 Brazil3. Chickerino 46 Brazil4. ktab 44 United States of America5. Centomax 42 United States of America6. Espor 42 Bulgaria7. Picaroon 40 Bulgaria10. Braza 38 Brazil11. L U C I F E R 38 Brazil12. Deportado 38 Spain15. itso 37 Bulgaria16. hadrian5 37 Romania17. pelmer 36 Ireland20. Feng Shui 36 Brazil21. Harisharko 36 India24. Spellz 35 Serbia27. AZTEK 35 Brazil28. Piko 35 Serbia35. LordMarlock 34 Croatia43. Mister Smith 34 Serbia49. Lord Beerus 34 Saudi Arabia52. Gerachi 34 United States of America53. Benito Amilcare M 34 Saudi Arabia64. motorina 33 Croatia66. GhuU 33 Brazil84. Salah ad Din Yusuf 33 Croatia93. Ragn0 33 Brazil100. Pirmadienis 33 Brazil102. 777v 33 Romania103. tsitoubill 33 Greece168. Kenchi 32 Brazil183. sLaSh5 32 Brazil189. misteriosa 32 Brazil195. Terrorist 32 United States of America588. Hereli007 29 Georgia

حمایت کردن

LordMarlockChickerinoDreamkiller1514miskeBardiaBardiaBardiaPlavi golubPlavi golubGod RaHarisharkoRadovljepelmerMr Gabiru 749DamaChenAdmin

نظرات (32)

Sry for double posting, table doesn t work T_T. Admins fix plz
Deportado o7
good work, keep it up
OFC best MU o7
Nice article o7
Nice o7
Really good work, keep it up; OFC too good o7
Interesting! Good job! Do you know how much power has been gained from all missions?
Have me, have vote. OFC! Good one mate o7
Dobar članak Laugh Može takav isti kad završe misije? o7
Moze Laugh
Medal soon!
da se zna ko je tata novinarstva na erevu xd
Nice article. That Salah is very nice guy Laugh
Nice job. OFC o7
Gj o7
Nice one
nice stats
I dont have any star tho Smile
Yeah u don t coz u hide them xd
Not hidden neither Smile
OFC o7
OFC Visa Squad
Good work! Im pretty sure that theee missions are made by usnkilled or jsut dumb person! They said its not that hard to pass em on time.. Maybe yah, but if you are high lvled or premium player, as you said. So many of us spend much gold in this shit to win right 0. And for the others who pass em - to take just a picture of a medal... So i just want to say: this missions and their crator are not o7! They are c=3 oIo _|_ !!!
Me no visa
Pero que contaminantes!
But but, where did you get the data from?
Que pide la última misión?