The Seven Seas

منتشر شده در United States of America - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه و تحلیل - 31 Dec 2018 11:12 - 28

حمایت کردن

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نظرات (28)

Vote for PETROS o7
chayna numbah wan!!!
No otari no vote Laugh
pfff Hail the best MU KFC o7
no Kaveh no vote unsub o/
good job
Cube News made one mistake in the graphics xD. 1) Bulgaria is ranked above Brazil. 2) Ignore the SoA graphics in Isaak commentary. Isaak is Peruvian. The Mistakes will be corrected as soon as we can but may take time since its New Years.
While I am humble and I wish no recognition of myself in any form. I wish my HQ could be represented for their dedication in numerous conflicts.
great article, thanks o7
great job! one more time!
tnx! all the best!
nice one o/
Good job my nigga. Happy new year Kiss
Nice Bro!!
Ace is a legendary journalist ... - Ace
None can be compared with our Chick. OFC o7
@Kevin You know it too :3 *Wink*
OFC o7
odma proliv dobim od amerike
Nice Job. Bravo !!!!
Nice article.. o7
Un artículo para chuparse las pollas
nice article man good job
some mistakes but u ace