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danider - روزنامه از Bulgaria -

منتشر شده در Spain - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه و تحلیل - 10 Dec 2018 12:54 - 20

This evening we conlcuded the talks about a peace agreement between Croatia, Spain and Bulgaria. Here are the terms for CRO-SPA and BG-SPA NAPs - in english and spanish.

Conditions by Croatia
1. 100 gold compensation to Croatia
2. Croatia have no interest holding Spanish regions furthermore
3. Spain can hit for everyone against anyone through MPP, but not send dow croatia and vice versa
4. Both countries will respect territorial integrity with all colonies and won't fight in each others RW
5. The NAP expire on January 10.

Conditions by Bulgaria - Pantheon
1. 100 gold compensation to Bulgaria
2. Bulgaria and Pantheon have no interest holding Spanish regions furthermore
3. Spain can hit for everyone against anyone through MPP, but not send dow Pantheon and vice versa
4. Spain recovers the Sengel Shores region.
5. Spain and Pantheon will respect territorial integrity with all colonies and won't fight in each others RW
6. The NAP expire on January 10.


Condiciones por parte de Croacia
1. Una compensación de 100G a Crocia.
2. Croacia respetará todas las cores españolas.
3. España podrá pegar contra quien quiera vía MPP, pero no hacer DoW a Crocia y viceversa.
4. Ambos países respetarán su integridad territorial, incluídas todas las colonias, sin opción a pelear sus RW y viceversa.
5. El NAP tendrá validez hasta el 10 de Enero.

Condiciones por parte de Bulgaria - Pantheon
1. Una compensación de 100G a Bulgaria.
2. Bulgaria y Pantheon respetarán todas las cores españolas.
3. España podrá pegar contra quien quiera vía MPP, pero no hacer DoW a Pantheon y viceversa.
4. España recupera la colonia de Sengel Shores.
5. Ambos países respetarán su integridad territorial, incluídas todas las colonias, sin opción a pelear sus RW y viceversa.
6. El NAP tendrá validez hasta el 10 de Enero.(edited)

Signed by CP of Spain - Zakk Bloodworth
Signed by CP of Bulgaria - itso
Signed by CP of Croatia - manga1911
Signed by vSC of Pantheon - danider

حمایت کردن


نظرات (20)

Inkietud máxima.
Signed by vSC of Pantheon - danider
Baldus Maximus
Signed by safer, because why not
Fake news. Not signed by president of Rakia - Blue Alcohooligan o7
signed by a loser Cheeky
Inkietud max
1 condición mas seria que los calvos que quieran venirse a España se compraran una peluca, no?
I not anderstend, pliz in Kroejšn end Bulgaryn. Espešili in Bulgaryn - bulgaryn nid sam komfort, dey lost all bonus. Marlock was here
stupid war have ended , thanks for nothing Laugh
Shame what croatia has become these days.
No penseis que esto quedara asi, tarde o temprano Mose y yo iremos a vuestras granjas y quemaremos todas vuestras remolachas.
Mac, come home and show us the money!
Where is Bolivia here ?!?!?! Smile cong to all who take gold without medals