منتشر شده در Iran - تجزیه و تحلیل جنگ - 29 Nov 2018 11:22 - 18
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Signed by CP of Greece

Signed by CP of * Iran *

Signed by MoD of Georgia !

Signed by CP of Romania


Looolll Iran shame on you

Vayy ipneler sizi... pers kralların kemikleri sızlamıştır şimdi

Better to be wipe then live dishonour.

They were wiped AtripatesS. Exactly as Turkey 

I know your strategy is to flee the country and let it occupied, but they seem to love their country more than you do yours

@DamaChen, I support you!

Signed by CP of Georgia

Iranin yaptığı bu kazik unutulmaz bir gün hesabi kesilir....

متاسفم که ایستاده مردن رو به منافع ترجیح دادید

+1 DamaChen ... AtropatesS our ancesters said something like this in the big fights we had with you Turks... Capul plecat, sabia nu-l taie.. (in translation: The head bent, the sword does not cut.. ) Anyway.. its 1st of December and today Romania celebrates 100 years from its reunification.. Happy Birthday ROMANIA !!!

even i agree with atrop , better to get wiped than live like this :|

moteasefam barat @zizi

fuck to or you ffffffuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk