The Dictator

Vote or Die

منتشر شده در Hungary - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 24 Nov 2018 08:57 - 14

Its not a challenge to get 50-200 votes in 10 days. Do it on the last day f*ck yeah.

BLACK FRIDAY VOTE EVENT: I give to you absoludly nothing+50% for your vote! You have to donate this article if you subscribe! Donate twice if your a nice girl.

EDIT: Because nobody asked I let you know its Alicia Keys on the pic

حمایت کردن

نظرات (14)

s6 v8
v207 s188 on yours 777v Thanks.
s16 v21
Köszi téged én már rég vote-suboltalak Smile
Thanky you Bunnyliu v221 s301
38V, 26S Smile sub back Laugh good luck
Thank you DonChe v55 42
you lost reward....
Yeah Mister K not a big problem anyway thanks to all voters.