The Seven Seas

منتشر شده در United States of America - آنالیز مالی - 09 Nov 2018 14:33 - 4

 You're encouraged to point out any discrepancies in my article at the comments below. You're also welcomed to post buy/sell offers below on the market.  I am opening my newspaper up to advertisements if you would like to publish an Ad in my newspaper please contact me at InGame PM or Discord. 2 Advertisement space available per article.

nergy has gotten cheaper with more and more players build food comps and becoming self-sufficient.
1,000 energy = 1g

Q1, Q2, and Q5 Weapons are most commonly sold in the market. With more and more players building Wep cops the prices are dropping. 

Q1 Weapons =  0.030g/per|3g / 100 Q1 Wep
Q2 Weapons = 0.040g/per|4g / 100 Q2 Wep 
Q3 Weapons = 0.045g/per|4.5  / 100 Q3 Wep 
Q4 Weapons = 0.050g/per|5g / 100 Q4 Wep
Q5 Weapons = 0.050- 0.055g/per|5 - 5.5 g/ Q5 100 Wep

Houses are starting to pop up in the markets and the prices have relatively decreased, Q4 House still remain the rarest. A house pack currently entails Q1 - Q3 House. 

Q1 House = 4.5g
Q2 House  =  5g
Q3 House =  6g
 Q4 House = 7-8g?
Q5 House = 9-10g
Best Bonuses 

Top 3 countries best to work in right now. I will be updating this ranking actively for the next 48 hours. 

1. Indonesia
Food : 80 % | Weapon : 100 % | House : 80 %
2. Bulgaria
Food : 80 % | Weapon : 100 % | House : 60 %
3. Iran
Food : 60 % | Weapon : 80 % | House : 100 %


Great Newspaper to Subscribe to

One Button Illusion 
Quebec Times
Zeus News
Sons of Anarchy
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Observer Georgia 

eRev2Tools  Check out eRev2Tools for stats, damage calculations and more.

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نظرات (4)

Ace noob
@petros 🖖🖖😂
With tomorrow mission prices will rise for sure. Laugh