Xenon News

منتشر شده در Serbia - اولین گام در eRevollution - 07 Oct 2018 11:01 - 7

We begun to  play EREVOLLUTION 2 with BIG HOPES

We hope this game will be more democratic and more peaceful that we expected.  
Of course we will fight to defend our country's liberty, and political struggles must be democratic.
We love our countries and we must be respectfully other countries' rights. I hate imperialism!
I like fighting for my country if we defend our country or give lesson to attackers on our country. 

EREV2 is a chance for us to be in solidarity with all players and admins to make erev2 perfect.


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نظرات (7)

s10 back https://www.erev2.com/en/newspaper/116
i did sub 118 mate
S20 https://www.erev2.com/en/newspaper/206
Goratrix mate, i subbed your newspaper 79 and i voted your thanks for all the humorists article vote 1
37s v16