Blkfyre News

منتشر شده در United States of America - بحث های سیاسی و تجزیه و تحلیل - 04 Nov 2018 03:15 - 17

I know this game is fun. However it has great potential to be one of the best game when it comes to political simulation mmo rpg. If the Admin can add few more mechanics to the game.

1. Banking System.
2. Company with shares. Where individuals and private citizens can invest and gain profit or loss. 

It's just my personal suggestions. And in the future they can add few more types of governments. Such as Monarchy, Dictatorship, Merchant Republics and of course the DEMOCRACY. 

Let me know your thoughts. And feel free to comment below. Thanks 

Kind Regards

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نظرات (17)

Voted, Good Idea
has been tried and has failed
This is dominabide
Good Idea.
they should fix the current mechanics before they add other things
evil jew intensifies do not fall for the mind tricks of zion
Admin added PayToWin System
@PiratesNeverDie, I must say that is an unacceptable comment to be honest. I suggest you not to make any such comment in future.
Thank you for the donation @Harisharko
Thank you for the donation @Galadrael
Thank you for the donation @PortgasAce
worked well in that first game. then they started exploiting the system. then they shut it down
Thank you for the donation @Shisui
Thank you for the donation @Diesel
I support
Voted o7
v 27 , sub old