Evans informa

Evans - Periódico de Mexico -

Publicado en Indonesia - Interacciones sociales y entretenimiento - 14 Sep 2023 21:11 - 11

Hi, good night to everyone who is reading this letter.

I am planning to give some prizes to some players who want to become into competitors.

Who can apply:
Every player under my current lever (1899) no matter his citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, ally or not.

How can I get enrole in this?
Just post in comments section a SS of your experience points showing the date on it.

When the is the last moment to apply?
Tomorrow September 15th before the day change.

What is about this challenge?
It is about the 3 players who win more experience ingame along with lucky dice tournament.

1st place : 5k q8 weapons
2nd place : 40k Q5 food
3rd place : 10k Q5 food.

Turn your engines on and may the quickest competitors win!



Comentarios (11)

lvl 1316 https://ibb.co/HrBGnqf
Lvl 1318
Nel, andaré celebrando las fiestas patrias
Thats discrimination Sad
94 😎
lvl 259
Level 1034 o7
Lvl 66
Enrollment is closed.
No lo lei antes, pero muy buena forma de motivar a los que andamos iniciando. Saludos Amigo y exito en los proximos retos.
Gracias Lexo, vamos motivando esto para mantenerlos Smile