itso - Periódico de Bulgaria -

Publicado en Bulgaria - Interacciones sociales y entretenimiento - 22 Feb 2020 00:04 - 6

last day to complete missions is 534!
Basic Missions/Grey
Mission 1: Work as manager in your companys. 
reward: 2 work tokens
Mission 2: Work 2 times
reward: 200 exp
Mission 3: Gain 50 strength points using your training center
reward: 5 energy bars
Mission 4: Vote 5 articles
reward: 150 cc
Mission 5: Sub 5 articles.
reward: 25 str
Mission 6: Activate 1 house - no matter of q
reward: 1 q1 booster
Mission 7:  Recover 3,000 energy using food and/or energy bars for full potential
reward: 3 gold
Mission 8: Complete your daily order (DO)
reward: 5 energy bars & 10 RPG
Mission 9: Buy 1000 items from market
reward: 1000 storage 

Mission 10:  Sell 1500 products on local market
Reward: 250cc
Mission 11: Buy 1000 weapons from market
Reward: 100 RPG
Mission 12: Use 3 contracts to buy/sell something
Reward: 3 work tokens
Mission 13: Spend 14 work tokens
Reward: 14 energy bars
Mission 14: Produce 2000 items
Reward: 10 work tokens
Mission 15: Work 6 times
Reward: - 3 gold
Mission 16: Use 10 contracts
Reward: 12 work tokens
Mission 17: Buy 3000 food from market
Reward: 1 booster q3
Mission 18: Sell 5000 items on market
Reward: 15 energy bars
/thanks to Otis Redding/
Mission 19: Spend 50 work tokens
Reward: 10 gold & 25 work tokens
Mission 20: Buy 5000 items from foreign market
Reward: 500 RPG
Mission 21: Buy 8000 food or weapons from market
Reward: 20 work tokens & 2000 storage

Mission 22:  Make 3 milion damage
Reward: 10 energy bars
Mission 23:  Produce 2 missles
Reward: 3 missles q3
Mission 24:  Drop 10 missles
Reward: 20 energy bars
Mission 25: Make 2000 hits in DO battle
Reward: 30 energy bars
Mission 26: Make 2000 hits in RW on resistance side (if you fight for your country RW will not count!)
Reward: 10 gold & 300 RPG
Mission 27: Make 2000 hits for your ally
Reward: 10 gold & 300 RPG
Mission 28: Earn one battle hero medal
Reward: 5 gold & 30 energy bars
Mission 29: Make 50 milion damage
Reward: 100 str & 50 energy bars
Mission 30: Spend 50 energy bars
Reward: 500 exp & 60 energy bars
Mission 31Make 3500 hits for ally
Reward: 250 exp & 75 energy bars
Mission 32Make 3500 hits for your country
Reward: 250 exp & 75 energy bars
Mission 33Make 3500 hits in resistance war
Reward: 250 exp & 75 energy bars

Mission 34:  Write something in your profile description
Reward: 1 house q4
Mission 35:  Add 15 players to your friends list
Reward: 1 booster q4 
Mission 36:  Activate booster
Reward: 3 gold
Mission 37:  Restore 33 000 energy
Reward: 33 energy bars
Mission 38:  Gain 2000 exp
Reward: 500 exp & 25 str
Mission 39:  Use 3 hyper bars
Reward: 13 energy bars
Mission 40: Gain 125 str
Reward: 1 house q5
Mission 41: Travel to 25 regions (can be betwen only 2)
Reward: 2 gold + 250 cc
Mission 42: Activate 5 houses (no matter q)
Reward: 10 bombs q4
Mission 43: Spend 8000 weapons
Reward: 80 energy bars
Mission 44: Earn 30 gold from TP/TA/TR medals
Reward: 10 gold + 200 str
Mission 45: Endorse 25 newspapers
Reward: 5 gold & 5 energy bars

Gold mission/Orange

Mission 46: ?
Reward: -
Mission 47: ?
Reward: -
Mission 48: ?
Reward: -
Mission 49: ?
Reward: -

Gold mission/Purple

Mission 50: ?
Reward: -

If someone open new missions please send it to me :)
And... Admin.... its a big pleasure to work with this editor........................ biggest mistake in game!!! 


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Comentarios (6)

едиторът е шит,недей да се нервираш от сега,че натам става по-зле
готов съм аз почти Laugh
who can you do Mission 3: in one day?
low str account