Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 24 Oct 2018 11:38 - 11

Serbian multies arrived into battle through Bifröst

Comments (11)


Cry me a river
32 minutes ago
Are we supposted to pretend that s why you attacked Portugal? Because our allies attacked some of yours, for all i care Portugal has no allies, we re mercenaries, hell, I don t even like Pantheon members. But the real reason you attacked us is the fact that you want our saltpeter and will go to any lenghts to get it, even make multies and exploit the missile missions.
3 minutes ago
@kenchi - You can cry at will. Mercenaries have bonuses? I thought countries had bonuses.

cry romy cry, ups u are not romy 

Nadam se da je admin sve sredio i da je fer zavrsetak o/

@piko sta je bilo, bilo je.. ovo je vise onako mali troll, samo se nadam da nece do ovog dolaziti u buducnosti o/

Ajde ljudi zebancija 

Ako admini budu malo razmisljali o misijama nece dolaziti do ovog xD

Multies everywhere