Published in Mexico - Social interactions and entertainment - 10 May 2023 22:05 - 2
Día 1,678 / 10 de mayo 2023
Tembló aproximadamente a las 10:30 pm (hora local, 21:30 hora servidor):It trembled at approximately 10:30 pm (local time, 21:30 server time):
SISMO Magnitud 2.3 Loc. 3 km al NORESTE de LA MAGDALENA C, CDMX 10/05/23 22:20:17 Lat 19.36 Lon -99.20 Pf 1 km

Cómo pueden ver aparecemos muy seguido por esta razón... los efectos de los terremotos son siempre preocupantes:
As you can see, we appear very often for this reason... the effects of earthquakes are always worrisome:

El poder desatado en la terremotos es comparado a tornados, bombas atómica y explosiones volcánicas...
The power unleashed in earthquakes is compared to tornadoes, atomic bombs, and volcanic explosions...

Tenemos un sistema de alerta para prevenirnos y salir, depende del epicentro del temblor, hoy no hubo alerta porque el epicentro fue en la misma capital.
We have an alert system to warn us and leave, it depends on the epicenter of the tremor, today there was no alert because the epicenter was in the same capital.
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