Published in Spain - Warfare analysis - 10 Oct 2018 09:03 - 24
Hello everyone Here is My Second Article about lets Say "Geopolitics of the Game and Warfare Analysis"
U Can Read the First Article Which is Already in the Top 5 Here
In This Paper We are going To See The Cold and Hot SPOTS of Erev 2 Map , Where the Fate of world will Be Decided
We Know from the Experience Of the First Server of Erev That Some Countries Are Clic Superpowers of these Kind of games For Example : Serbia / Spain/ Bulgaria/Georgia/Turkey
Lets Start With The countries And Regions Which are a little Safer on the map , Means that they are not neighbours With a Lot of Powerfull countries

Here is 2 Spots Where are Quite Safe Scandinavia And England
U can not Call Countries in this Region Clic Powers of These game but There is always Suprises in games Like Already Irish Goverment is one of the most Organized Gov's among Little Countries
With The Geopolitical Luck they Have got they Can Survive the Begining Days of the games Easily Drinking Beer and Start to Baby Boom And bring Players to game to make them Self a New Superpower
In the No:1 Image we saw Many Countries Involving UK/Ireland/Denmark/Finland/Norway to be on a Cold Spot
There is another cold Spot On Game but not for Many Countries only just for 1 : IRAN
Which has and Well Organized Gov to , They have Even Elected A Temporary Cabinet Already That Has Done a lot of Work During these 5 days
Iran Is one of The powerfull countires Which is a Treat to its Neighbours and can beat all of them by itself as we saw on other Games or server before That Iran usually Successfully conquers Pakistan/UAE/Saudi Arabia/Qatar ... But there is only One Exception : Turkey Which is Among SuperPowers If Iran Could Form An Alliance with Turkey which is also good for Turkey because in the West they Have to Face Too many Powerfull Countries These 2 Countires can be 2 Super Strong Brothers Which is Very hard to Reach Their Borders
The First Clic World War beginner Region Is Balkan and East Europe Containing Countries Like : Georgia / Serbia/ Croatia/Slovenia/Hungary/Romania/Bulgaria/FYROM/Bosnia/Montenegro
Lets Call it "Clash of Titans Region"
The Second Hot Spot Region is Around The Atlantic Ocean
Where Mighty Spain And Portugal Will Face Great Powers of South Amrica Like Peru And Brazil And Paraguay
And Do not Forget That USA in Also There
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U Can Read the First Article Which is Already in the Top 5 Here
In This Paper We are going To See The Cold and Hot SPOTS of Erev 2 Map , Where the Fate of world will Be Decided
We Know from the Experience Of the First Server of Erev That Some Countries Are Clic Superpowers of these Kind of games For Example : Serbia / Spain/ Bulgaria/Georgia/Turkey
Lets Start With The countries And Regions Which are a little Safer on the map , Means that they are not neighbours With a Lot of Powerfull countries

Here is 2 Spots Where are Quite Safe Scandinavia And England
U can not Call Countries in this Region Clic Powers of These game but There is always Suprises in games Like Already Irish Goverment is one of the most Organized Gov's among Little Countries
With The Geopolitical Luck they Have got they Can Survive the Begining Days of the games Easily Drinking Beer and Start to Baby Boom And bring Players to game to make them Self a New Superpower

There is another cold Spot On Game but not for Many Countries only just for 1 : IRAN
Which has and Well Organized Gov to , They have Even Elected A Temporary Cabinet Already That Has Done a lot of Work During these 5 days
Iran Is one of The powerfull countires Which is a Treat to its Neighbours and can beat all of them by itself as we saw on other Games or server before That Iran usually Successfully conquers Pakistan/UAE/Saudi Arabia/Qatar ... But there is only One Exception : Turkey Which is Among SuperPowers If Iran Could Form An Alliance with Turkey which is also good for Turkey because in the West they Have to Face Too many Powerfull Countries These 2 Countires can be 2 Super Strong Brothers Which is Very hard to Reach Their Borders
The First Clic World War beginner Region Is Balkan and East Europe Containing Countries Like : Georgia / Serbia/ Croatia/Slovenia/Hungary/Romania/Bulgaria/FYROM/Bosnia/Montenegro
Lets Call it "Clash of Titans Region"
The Second Hot Spot Region is Around The Atlantic Ocean
Where Mighty Spain And Portugal Will Face Great Powers of South Amrica Like Peru And Brazil And Paraguay
And Do not Forget That USA in Also There

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Comments (24)


sub 53

also, turkey will attack georgia, so maybe georgia can ally itself with iran and counter-attack


Good artucle.mate o7 cheers

good analyse......its one of the best articles that i saw in this game till now like other analyse that doctor usually do in other games
....helpful for politics man
....@doctor is one of successful player in this type of games that i saw and Know

Oh My Good How Many Capital Letters. o7

@beautygirl thanks for the complements
با ارزوی موفقیت برای ایران مجازی

Nice article, but I do not understand why you capitalize the first letter of every word? Also, you should have used punctuation.

Its like my finger print of typing 

long live spanish empire!!!

Asia country, is very cold spot...

kebab strong

well I subbed and voted but you still forgot Greece. Greece which borders with those 2 superbrothers and has an alliance in server 1. You mentioned some countries in Balakans that have much less impact than Greece does.

Free UAE!

KMspico, use that to activate windows xD

Crna Gora ka Monako!

Crna Gora ka Monako!


Why Do You Write Like This?

To give a free cancer.

The writing of yours made me puke but the article was still good info nonetheless