Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 09 Oct 2018 15:02 - 14
Interview with Tropico
English version:
Vokasi: Introduce yourself
Tropico: Greetings to everyone, I am Tropico, it is possible that some of you know me from server 1 where I was also one of Admin, I am living in Serbia IRL.
Vokasi: Who else is in the Administration?
Tropico: I'm in the Administration side by side with TovarDante, and Sekula is a programmer.
Vokasi: Erev2 is launched - What are the most important differences in relation to the old game?
Tropico: There are many differences, in the admin article on the first server we listed some of them. We have no equipment, there are no naval battles ... companies are limited, TG upgrade is different, MPP system, etc. ... we are planing another change that you will be notified through the admin article.
Vokasi: Can we expect some of the things that we have not seen before? If it will be, can you tell us something?
Tropico: The first thing we plan to do is implementation of weekly mission in the game, you'll see what it's about soon.
Vokasi: What are the time periods for future upgrade of Training Centers? from q1 to q2 we have 10 days.
Tropico: Upgrading Q1-Q4 is on every 10 days, and from Q4 to Q5 it is 20 days time period.
Vokasi: Will there be permanent events like we had the opportunity to see in the first server?
Tropico: We will see what we are going to do, for now we have in mind the weekly mission.
Vokasi: What's your role in the Administration?
Tropico: This is hard to explain, mostly everything :D Compile and control the Moderator Team, take care of the players, think about future changes in the game and more ..
Vokasi: Are you satisfied with the player's response for now?
Tropico: Now we plan to pay more attention to bringing new players and making babybooms, tomorrow we have to come up with an admin article in which we will write about it, and I hope that as many players as possible will respond and help expand our community.
Vokasi: s4s is something that some of us are bothering about, will there be some stimulation by the Game Administration for those who makes high-quality and informative articles?
Tropico: It's always in the beginning. Everyone is looking for s4s to collect gold, after a while they crystallize and quality articles have more media space and more votes.
Vokasi: What do you think of the interlocutor who interviewed you, about Vokasi?
Tropico: Haha, I do not think too much about him. I am joking :D I know you from before, you helped in some things about the server1
I know that you always like to be interested in politics and around the game in the game: D
(Vokasi's comment: I do not care about politics anymore: D)
Vokasi: Message to players:
Tropico: We have received a lot of positive comments for the server and I hope that we will continue in future. We will do our best. I would also like to ask all those who are willing to organize a babyboom and attract new players, contact us to official e-mail:
That is all from me in this interview. Greetings to all readers o7
Vokasi: Predstavite se
Tropico: Pozdrav svima, ja sam Tropico, moguce je da me neko od vas znaju i sa servera 1 gde sam takodje bio jedan od Admina, u rl zivim u Srbiji.
Vokasi: Ko je sem vas još u Administraciji?
Tropico: Sem mene u Administraciji je i TovarDante a sekulla je programer.
Vokasi: Erev2 je lansiran - Koje su najbitnije razlike u odnosu na staru igru?
Tropico: Ima mnogo razlika, u admin clanku na prvom serveru smo naveli neke od njih. Nemamo equipment, nema naval bitki ... firme su limitirane, TG drugacije funkcionise upgrade, MPP sistem, itd... imamo u planu jos izmena o cemu cete biti obavesteni kroz admin clanak.
Vokasi: Da li možemo očekivati neke stvari koje do sada nismo videli? Ako će biti toga, možeš li nam nešto reći?
Tropico: Prvo sto imamo u planu je da ubacimo weekly misije u igru, videcete o cemu se radi uskoro.
Vokasi: Koji su vremenski razmaci za izgradnju Trening centara? Sa q1 na q2 nam je otvoreno od dana 10, kako će računica ići dalje?
Tropico: Sto se tice training centra q1-q4 na svakih 10 dana ce moci po jednom da se upgrade, a sa q4 na q5 je 20 dana.
Vokasi: Hoće li biti trajnih eventa kao što smo imali prilike da vidimo u prvom serveru?
Tropico: Sto se tice eventa tu cemo jos videti sta cemo, za sada imamo u planu weekly misije.
Vokasi: Koja je tvoja uloga u Administraciji?
Tropico: Ovo je tesko za objasniti, uglavnom sve i svasta :D Sastavljanje, kontrolisanje moderator tima, voditi brigu o igracima, razmisljati o buducim promenama u igri i jos mnogo toga..
Vokasi: Da li ste zadovoljni odzivom igrača za sada?
Tropico: Sad imamo u planu da se jos vise posvetimo dovodjenju novih igraca i pravljenju babyboomova, sutra treba da izadje admin clanak u kojem cemo pisati o tome i nadam se da ce se sto vise igraca odazvati i pomoci da prosirimo nasu zajednicu.
Vokasi: s4s je nešto što nekima od nas smeta, hoće li biti nekih stimulacija od strane Administracije za igrače koji prave kvalitetne i informativne članke?
Tropico: To je uvek aktuelno u pocetku da svi traze s4s kako bi sakupili gold, posle nekog vremena se to iskristalise i kvalitetni clanci imaju vise medijskog prostora i veci broj vote-a.
Vokasi: Šta mislite o sagovorniku koji vas je intervjuisao, to jest o Vokasiju
Tropico: Haha, ne mislim previse o njemu. Salim se, znam te jos od pre, pomagao si u nekim stvarima sto se tice servera 1. Znam da uvek volis da se zanimas politikom i oko saveza u igri :D (Primedba Vokasija: Ne zanima me politika više :D)
Vokasi: Poruka igračima:
Tropico: Dobili smo dosta pozitivnih komentara za server i nadam se da cemo nastaviti u tom smeru da idemo. Dacemo sve od sebe. Takodje zamolio bih sve koji su raspolozeni da se organizuje babyboom i privuku novi igraci da se jave na zvanicni e-mail igre:
toliko od mene u ovom intervjuu i pozdrav svim citaocima o7
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