Published in Greece - Warfare analysis - 09 Jan 2019 02:30 - 16
Good morning people of eRev2

Here I am to clarify the facts from y'day's article's of ma bro danider.
note: i will tell only the truth and i wont skip anything from the past week incidents as it was done in the article of dani.

new one :)

mby someone need to revise his ENG coughcough
this is the famous letter to the US Congress and the HQ of Pantheon:

Read it and make ur own conclusions: neither blackmailing nor sabotaging. Just stating in advance the position of Greece
to the Affair.

|When we win its good, when we lose it's Petros' fault|EXTRA

DINT WANT to make MPP with them so we signed with FRANCE.
This paragraph in danider's article is a hole lie.

Please, i want ss of me in Panthenot's chat, saying i will help FR and not some former ally.

same for this.

Yes you should ask yourselfs not me but here am I, to help you once more as how good TRAITOR am I...
Maybe the Turkish failure didnt make you understand that you lose Greece and this Expedition to Ukraine was a stupid plan that I didnt support from the start (Safer can confirm)

specially thanks:

I could say i didnt have the best relations. There were tensions already before becoming CP. Ignored numerous times, dissapointingly i lost my faith to Pantheon during the Turkish campaign which lead us to the failure. This is the main cause i stopped supporting Pantheon. Every relationship is based in mutual contribution. The time, I needed i received nothing... which lead us to be in this position.
κράζεις? θαυμαζεις :)
end of version 1
Best regards,
Supreme Traitor of Panthenot,
FireblademistikoAgent Mehdi47Comments (16)

1. I want you now to go and ask Safer what was the plan for the colonies that greece occupies and did occupy and what role Vendetta has in this.
2. I don t need to show SS about anything, your actions speak enough for themselves.
3. You should understand that the game is not just farming and NAPs, sometimes you should go balls to wall for your allies, which you personally never did and will never do. You will never know what a real alliance is - you desire alliance for bonuses and safezones for Greece.
4. I know why you aske for SS from Pantheon about your France affair, because you wanted this out of Pantheon. I can show SS from you saying that you will help France get out of war no matter the cost for Greece and Pantheon, but I am sure you don t want that.

Traitor. Forever.

Petro pou einai to damage sou se ola auta ta screenshots re mouliko?

A for Effort

to ena to dropparame kai sthn 3h maxh eipame apara poles taftoxronona. exoun xa8ei apo ta logs ta prohgoumena battles alliws 8a evaza ekeina

Because my name was mentioned, multiple times i wish to say. That even as SC on Vendetta when the turkish war and later the Italian Block war happened, it was a Co-op of Vendetta and pantheon... I would give a 50-50 credit in both sides and in both wars, our allies Georgia and USA where the ones that gave us the victory on the Italian block later on and helped us defend multiple attacks on Ionian Islands. So my little piece for all these articles that come and go is, in every campaign we had in the past which i lead personally, the damage we received was equaly from our own vendetta allies and pantheon allies.

Liked the picture with corrections.

didnt read but voted because petros is a good man in contrary of men like danider Smile SS of the battle Petros linked btw. All praise the god of overkills

Agree with Guepo despite him being a froggy 


well looks like pantheons having inner conflicts not IM xD

Hail IM! o7
Ehmm.. im sorry, wrong place.. :p

deja de perder el tiempo en este juego y ponte a abrir RWs y a motivar a la gente a que pegue por el evento joder ya

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