Daily Planet

Lo0pinG - Jornal de France -

Publicado em Ireland - Entretenimento e interações sociais - 03 May 2019 09:45 - 2

Dear Irish citizens,

As I announced 1-2month ago, France is trying to born again and I wish to help this project. It is currently not compatible with the irish citizenship

So I was really glad to share some battle and time with you.
Some of you help me, I hope to have help some of you.
Sometimes, It has been complicated like during the war against USA for example but it is also like that that the good old time and friends are made.

That's why I don't want to say goodbye 
I just want to say until I come again

So I wish all the best to Ireland
Please feel free to ask for help in time of darkness


PS: sorry for my english but i m a french frog XD


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Thank you for your time and for your service!