The Breath of Life

josiah - Jornal de Israel -

Publicado em Israel - Análise e debates políticos - 19 Dec 2018 20:47 - 0

I josiah,
Challenge Our Current

To a battle of wills, where one of us takes over rulership
of this Holy Land and the other watches helplessly.
Even in a game, thievery is wrong.
Be ready.
who will be The Rightful Ruler of eRev2's eIsrael?
I will!

To anyone who is not this despot: join me in overthrowing the tyrant, together we can rebuild our eNation!

My aims for eIsrael:
    No expansion wars, Keep to Israel Shore until an agreement can be arranged.

    A Population of 3 Online Citizens at all times by day 140.

    Immediate 2% Sales & 4% Import Taxes.
    Immediate 2% work taxes until day 120, they will be reevaluated then.
    10% across-the-board Import Taxes starting day 120

My Needs: 
    Gold, Gold, Gold! If you want to donate, you will happily see it put to use right in Israel to further our aims.
    Citizen Activity! I can't do this alone, I need you to work for me. I need you to vote, fight in resistance war to train up. 
    Do not fight in Real Wars with great powers!

Thank you for your time, and effort.
- josiah


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