Publicado em Croatia - Entretenimento e interações sociais - 15 Dec 2018 03:50 - 18
This is the game. But in this kind of games we all meet new people, from our own countries and from others. So its always nice to see who is person behind game avatars that you speak with them daily or you saw them on important positions in country, MU or alliance and I decided to present some of them to you , so today i will show you members of Croatian Government ( real one ). Stay with me will be more of this in future :D
Batko Batistutapetros2Nebra007DieselspageDreamkiller1514Comentários (18)
Which one is Nebra007?
where is spooky spage?
Booo other one was better . Where’s Marlock. #NOMARLOCKNOvOTE
no spagecito no complete article
nice o7
Ajmo Bijeli ale ale ale
no spage no article
No marlock no vote
A je ovaj guverner zgodan nema kaj, pretty boy
manga, jel te to muški grli?
Hail Nemeton
I see motorina - I press vote
Manga s legs, sexy
yo yo no me no votado 😁
nice to see real faces