Chaingun fan club

Публикувано в Bulgaria - Финансови анализи - 19 Dec 2023 06:58 - 28

Today we will be doing a quick analysis of taxes acquired in gold by some Nexus member countries (that alliance made between proxy countries)

We start with the main one, Iran:




Making a simple spreadsheet, these 4 countries raised approximately 4 thousand gold in the last 6 days, that is, in total almost 40 thousand gold were invested in companies in these 4 countries:

It may even be that other players may have traveled to one of these countries, but let's face it, there is no publicity or partnerships in this regard, since practically all countries offer tax refunds. We also do not see the sale of GT or other paid items by members from these countries. So, the question remains about the legality of these 40 thousand golds and also whether the game's moderation is following these movements, since those who really invest in this game end up being affected in cases of cheating or inappropriate actions.

As a member of this community, I write this article to question and report this high volume of golds, not even the biggest top 12 countries in damage together can reach 80% of the value achieved by these 4 small countries. I hope that the moderation will reevaluate its system and review its method of identifying illegal actions in the game.


Paul JrPaul JrRikiBarbodSatoruSatoruSatoruKosingasLutrakSir yoyoTomKranich

Коментари (28)

چقدر ما پولداریم
its more easy, they make a multies and put the gold in the tresoure for wash it and later distribuite in their accts
Good job Iran and others Thumbs up.
Omg, 40 k? Surprised
Wowww this is amazing 🤯. We deny these slanders, but we are very grateful to those who tried to sabotage our countries and gave us these golds... We are watching the words of experienced people and hope the admin will check...
I hope administration do something about it to find and punish the haters. It s insane.
Where did these golds come from?! We are extremely grateful to anyone who has deposited gold into our treasury His intention was sabotage but it has benefited us
I created new Q5 weap company before yesterday 🤣🤣
É estranho ver tanto gold envolvido em Países quase mortos, daí o Admin estar a drenar tanto gold de outras contas em eventos. Pois isso era Ban direto com uma equipa ativa porque parece-me lavagem de dinheiro neste caso gold para as Mains não receberem diretamente. Espero que o Admin faça alguma coisa acerca deste assunto. Já à um bom tempo que nos queixamos das Multis e não é feito nada e cada vez está pior
I created new Q5 weap company before yesterday 🤣🤣
Who has 40k gold? Visa player? Pack seller? 🤣 I thought saudi is rich country every week issue cc now we are rich too 🤣🤣
کاش روشش رو هم توضیح میدادند که یاد بگیریم و توی بازی های دیگه ازش استفاده میکردیم 😂
exactly about that @ezrail, adding all the countries together does not reach these values ​​this week. I see your friends talking about sabotage, but who moves to these small countries to upgrade companies as a form of sabotage? This is insane, they want to try to hide the obvious, I hope the admin does something immediately
Ese es el dinero que tengo en mi cuenta, soy más rico que nexus? No lo creo 😏, somos nexus aquí cobramos y no pagamos 🤣.
Iran i sthe most useless country of this server.
are there any tickets raised on this topic?10x
Admin does nothing, this mess is getting worse and worse and we are talking about public data, imagine if we had access to what the administrator has...
No violation has been done on our side and the manager can check and we have no fear. We are not aware of these events 😄 These are the vandalism of suske who has several accounts 😄
That s it, use the illicit golds Congratulations admin for supporting this
Add serbia ss also 1039 gold!!!! How? We dont know what happen but may they know ,whats going on
Report BG and USA multis that make gold this way also.. if you are at it:
Saudi Arabia also check every week over 100k cc issued 🤣 check all countries 🤣 ban all multies but saint account was not multi and get banned 🤣 because he was super active everywhere
Your presumption of SA as country is wrong. We are all old players with many companies and slots, we accumulate gold trough trades and rewards from having pets on Max level. On the other side, your countries is doubtfull.
@Riki, they live in a bubble and won t understand that we have +5 years playing.
I k
@gamer yes we know what happend , know some players still build companys ....
@Riki i just suggested to admin to check all the countries, SA is example but you have Greek cs 😁 dont worry it’s only dust from here i will add ad (Sell DMG) (Sell Weap)