Публикувано в Indonesia - Военни анализи - 05 Jun 2023 09:47 - 18
Hello Guys, a couple of months, started a new resistance system..
i was disappointed with it, and i told that to the admin.

as i told everybody, it doesnt make sense to accumulate damage for the next battle,
where is the fail?
well this system has a failure, more than explain it i will show you with images.
i was trying to liberate a region from Indonesia,
we had a positive difference of 33b.
But Boby came and started to shot 700m or 630m per hit

But i told myself what the !!!, cant win against boby,
so i decided invest my damage to the next battle... muahaha
so i started to hit in the same side with boby

together boby and me, as a team mates hit and accumulate 52b
i hit 17b in the last minute
with my damage and bobys damage, 52b to next battle that the enemies need to face.

So that doesnt make sense, enemy damage and ally damage in the occupant side,
will be to the next battle, how is that logic?
that is my point. so i hope people start to taking advantage of this fail system =D
enjoy the game =D
i was disappointed with it, and i told that to the admin.

as i told everybody, it doesnt make sense to accumulate damage for the next battle,
where is the fail?
well this system has a failure, more than explain it i will show you with images.
i was trying to liberate a region from Indonesia,
we had a positive difference of 33b.
But Boby came and started to shot 700m or 630m per hit

But i told myself what the !!!, cant win against boby,
so i decided invest my damage to the next battle... muahaha
so i started to hit in the same side with boby

together boby and me, as a team mates hit and accumulate 52b
i hit 17b in the last minute
with my damage and bobys damage, 52b to next battle that the enemies need to face.

So that doesnt make sense, enemy damage and ally damage in the occupant side,
will be to the next battle, how is that logic?
that is my point. so i hope people start to taking advantage of this fail system =D
enjoy the game =D


The dumbest implementation ever.
I dont understand who came up with this.
I spoke about it as soon as it was put into the game.
You did the right thing. When you cant win, just shoot with the enemy to make difference even greater.

It doesn t make sense if you hit for defending country or against the dmg is still the same that 17b would still be 17b if you put them the next day for indonesia..

I Agree that it sounds pretty silly with this exploit, but tbh this update was to make it as hard as possible to keep a nation wiped and give the defendants a better chance, so i would say it works as intended.

Nice tactic.

If you want to see true exploration check romanian battles.. that noob asmin is fighting against himself and his army of clones every day

=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you shore are dumb...

@Transmin, i think u dont see the situation here, supose that i kept fighting in that battle against boby, probably he still would won but by difference in 25b-35b (exactly 35b if same result as i was).
next battle will be against 35b if i kept fighting in rw side. but i fought in occupant side, so its 52b, later comes the change of day, so i produce again, others from allies are awake so, i invested my damage to the future, and made more complicated the next battle for enemies

He is crying like a baby because one of my guys stole his BHs ... muhhahahaahha
(I do remember there is a last mission where you need to make 4 BHs you dummy...)

Shhhhh n00b

Thats all you can?

dejen dormir buenas noches zzz

Ejele tanto tiempo luis jaja

Its nice to see primer fighting for USA again

Haha bad boby