Публикувано в Serbia - Забавление - 21 Dec 2022 12:28 - 29
i copied my article in case the admin will delete it..
and guess what!! haha
I reposted this because was deleted, of course is something that usually happens,
the admin by mistake deleted it.
Accidents happen right?

and for apologize the admin sent me 100 energy q5, of couse was a mistake...

That make me think in one thing.. why would the admin apologize for something that he did?
Well there are at least 2 admins, 1 admin has access to boby account and he tries to play and uses his privileges as he wants in the game,
the other admin, is cleaning the mess that the first one did.
the honest admin has a lot of work to do because the tricky one that uses boby account..
did i hit a sensitive topic?

Oppsy i did it...
the tricky one, lets call him boby, and the honest hardworker one lets call him Fantasy guy, to not get confuse..
Boby when saw the article to not be discovered for the fantasy guy, deleted the article.
and the fantasy guy to clean the mess and fix the sh..t that boby did, send an apologyze and food =).

Hi Guys, to the new ones, to the old that came back and the same old people.
Maybe we like to pretend that didnt happen, that boby isnt the admin, and really is a player who spend money in the game.
But lets analyze some facts..
Is reasonable to think that a guy spend a lot and a lot of money and then travel and left his account to another player all the time?
No one that invested so much in the game will do that, but well lets pretend and that happens..
How Boby can fight a lot?, and get a lot of weapons?, unlimited cc and gold?...
well someone of u can think: he buys it from players or store
Lets bring good memories .
Boby always shout : Buying q7 wep 30g/k unlimited
and sadly, if was sasuke(enki) or the boby or WHOEVER, well anyways is a bad sign when u see this...

LOL.. the admin is asking to buy weapons? haha
Everyone saw that, but we wanted to pretend that never happened..
and we can try to be blind but is beyond imagination still pretend that we are crazy and imagine things...

Calling boby the admin is wrong?
if we think it correctly in that time, enki was the sitter of boby, then boby or enki have access to admin account..
so playing in a game where the admin can supply everything to an account without spend a cent is so unfair..
and guess what!! haha
I reposted this because was deleted, of course is something that usually happens,
the admin by mistake deleted it.
Accidents happen right?

and for apologize the admin sent me 100 energy q5, of couse was a mistake...

That make me think in one thing.. why would the admin apologize for something that he did?
Well there are at least 2 admins, 1 admin has access to boby account and he tries to play and uses his privileges as he wants in the game,
the other admin, is cleaning the mess that the first one did.
the honest admin has a lot of work to do because the tricky one that uses boby account..
did i hit a sensitive topic?

Oppsy i did it...
the tricky one, lets call him boby, and the honest hardworker one lets call him Fantasy guy, to not get confuse..
Boby when saw the article to not be discovered for the fantasy guy, deleted the article.
and the fantasy guy to clean the mess and fix the sh..t that boby did, send an apologyze and food =).

Hi Guys, to the new ones, to the old that came back and the same old people.
Maybe we like to pretend that didnt happen, that boby isnt the admin, and really is a player who spend money in the game.
But lets analyze some facts..
Is reasonable to think that a guy spend a lot and a lot of money and then travel and left his account to another player all the time?
No one that invested so much in the game will do that, but well lets pretend and that happens..
How Boby can fight a lot?, and get a lot of weapons?, unlimited cc and gold?...
well someone of u can think: he buys it from players or store
Lets bring good memories .
Boby always shout : Buying q7 wep 30g/k unlimited
and sadly, if was sasuke(enki) or the boby or WHOEVER, well anyways is a bad sign when u see this...

LOL.. the admin is asking to buy weapons? haha
Everyone saw that, but we wanted to pretend that never happened..
and we can try to be blind but is beyond imagination still pretend that we are crazy and imagine things...

Calling boby the admin is wrong?
if we think it correctly in that time, enki was the sitter of boby, then boby or enki have access to admin account..
so playing in a game where the admin can supply everything to an account without spend a cent is so unfair..
StevanGAsminRikiRikiRikiRikiShadowman83ixionMoonshadowMoonshadowMoonshadowGovedoixioncoasssscoasssscoasssscoassssRochatBOSMANalexMalexMalexMalexMКоментари (29)

Pinche juego amañado, los pobres necesitan nuestro dinero.

si muy triste nesta, deberian banear la cuenta de boby, para jugar mas tranquilos.

So, one is Bobby and the other is coassss? Interesting

I didnt believed before, but now that your article was deleted and actually REAL ADMIN apologized,
Its proven. Its a fact. Boby (actually ENKI/SASUKE as sitter) has access to admin privileges.
Gj Primer

Lutrak i dont think is coasss, since he is struggling like any other player in the game agaisnt boby, and boby has unlimited resources and gold etc...

you are missing a tinfoil hat my friend, in another game i could have sold my acc for 250eur easily but i left it others to play it. Already 1 counterexample to your theory. Next one: https://i.imgur.com/xPK5j6K.png

@Salah is sad to see this... but the admin can fix it if ban boby account

I was boby sitter when he wasnt able to log in, so go join yasmin in his land where unicorns live and have a happy life, dont cry here

i didnt say u cant log in boby account as sitter =P the admin has access to Admin login and boby login so... the proof is here... dont try to clean that mess =P

there isnt any proof here, this is just šrpvplong frpm your side, ofc same people will cheer you up, i just saw which one who endorsed your article, best of the best hahahahh

then explain why the admin ask for weapons? and the same spam that boby did many times before? and why the article was deleted by mistake?
maybe u know the answers =D
or u can ask the admin or to boby, its the same actually

Ban primer oficial por crear problemas en los jugadoras

It s what I think! Come on, how to try to activate a dead game? Without the bobby account we would have an endless farmville, this account causes war! Bobby always appears, and then disappears, it s an endless roller coaster!

Article deleted by mistake....how yes no... That one day we all got 1389 dices by mistake and I think those dices were there for selected players (admins) but we all got them, by mistake.

jadi tujuan anda mengungkap semua fakta disini hanya supaya akun Bobby permanen ban? selanjutnya setelah itu apa yang anda harapkan dari game ini?

i offer me to be the next account of the admin?
@admin send me all the gold and cc, i will distribute it fairly!

Vau, best article I ever read 👏 👏 👏

This comment for @sepultura make so much sense now about dices issue. What a game Damn. Admin we want your statement about this.!!!!

One thing is for shore... who ever spends cash in this game, to fight against so called player with admin privileges that fills his pockets with game items just to fight against players so they buy more packs, is really dumb to do so...

Also it would be interesting to know how did the cash from this law: https://www.erev2.com/en/country/law/74/United-States/26161 , soon after Sasuke as former CP ended up banned landed in Boby`s pockets as soon after it ended Boby put the cash directly on market.. If it went as it should to the CP, namely Enky (Sasuke) how come Boby put the cash on market right after? 

lol asmin, as u know admin privilegies u can move assets as u pleased =)
so there is ur answer =P

What s next you guys will come up with, illuminati exists?

lopovska posla 

Ban a Primer Oficial es un peligro para la continuidad del juego que el admin creo para la diversión de todos.

Yo digo que este primer oficial es falso el verdadero de nuestro universo fue secuestrado por los agentes del universo, eso explica el por que hace unos meses Primer oficial odiaba a los Serbios y de un dia para otro cambiaron al @Primer oficial del universo alterno en dónde es amigo de los Serbios 🤔

Ese es el ejemplo debe seguir el pueblo corrompido MEXA

NO entiendo ni miercóles, porque carajos no escriben en castellano o su traducción en español, esa tontera de todo en ingles.

Quiza la misma razon por la cual los articulos del admin son en ingles 😋

This is getting confusing