Публикувано в Bosnia and Herzegovina - Забавление - 21 Nov 2022 09:46 - 36
Dear Players,
We are near the end of Nowember, and activity is raising a lot lately. We are happy to hear it, we are still providing free Starter packs to players who return in game and those who register. Since we already announced in last admin news some tips about upcoming changes, these are news to publicly announce it.

From 25.11.2022 we are introducing these two new company quality in game. After some time we decided to add upgrades to some companies. We decided it would be House company Quality 7 and Weapons company Quality 8. To make it easier to understand what is done we have made a table for every company in game including these two new companies. This table includes everything regarding companies: raw, workers, firepower, duration, cost of upgrade etc..

This is how much does it cost to build a company from scratch or you can upgrade it from some quality which you already have. The price of downgrade company is the same as before and for all companies, 25% of upgrade and it s already calculated when you try to downgrade it.
As you can see we did make some changes in firepower of weapons, now Quality 8 weapons provide you 2.5 firepower, and in its company you can ign up to 10 workers per day. With House Quality 7 you are receiving 700 energy and - 12s recovery for next 7 days.
EDIT: Dear Players, as you complained on our updates we decided to make changes. Changes are made in the way we discussed on the discord channel. Firepower will remain as it is for current weapons quality but new one will have firepower x3, and RPG will have x3.5 firepower. RPGs which you have in storage until 25.11.2022 will be replaced into Weapons Quality 7 since they have the same firepower. After 25.11.2022 you will receive new RPGs with x3.5 firepower. Table is changed and updated with new correct values.
Power Pack

This is a new item in game and we hope it will suit all your needs for faster energy recovery. The Power Pack lasts 3 days and provides you +50 energy recovery. You will be able to buy only one Power Pack during Black Friday for 49 Golds, but this item will be available only in Packs or as a reward in events for the next period.
When you buy Power Pack (or get it via events) it's automatically placed in your storage and you can activate it when ever you want to. When you decide to activate it, go to Improved buildings click on plus in the upper right corner and activate it (ex. same as gold pack).
Do not forget Black Friday is in front of us, there will be packs, and who knows, maybe some more changes regarding lately mentioned questions :)
Info Board
- We will add 3 new milestones in Weekly Chalange with the start of next week. Monday at Day Change.
- With the start of new week we will add help for new players. Every player who registers into the game will have a 50% discount on company upgrades for 7 days.
Thanks for all players who helped us with testing and their ideas.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team
We are near the end of Nowember, and activity is raising a lot lately. We are happy to hear it, we are still providing free Starter packs to players who return in game and those who register. Since we already announced in last admin news some tips about upcoming changes, these are news to publicly announce it.

From 25.11.2022 we are introducing these two new company quality in game. After some time we decided to add upgrades to some companies. We decided it would be House company Quality 7 and Weapons company Quality 8. To make it easier to understand what is done we have made a table for every company in game including these two new companies. This table includes everything regarding companies: raw, workers, firepower, duration, cost of upgrade etc..

This is how much does it cost to build a company from scratch or you can upgrade it from some quality which you already have. The price of downgrade company is the same as before and for all companies, 25% of upgrade and it s already calculated when you try to downgrade it.
As you can see we did make some changes in firepower of weapons, now Quality 8 weapons provide you 2.5 firepower, and in its company you can ign up to 10 workers per day. With House Quality 7 you are receiving 700 energy and - 12s recovery for next 7 days.
EDIT: Dear Players, as you complained on our updates we decided to make changes. Changes are made in the way we discussed on the discord channel. Firepower will remain as it is for current weapons quality but new one will have firepower x3, and RPG will have x3.5 firepower. RPGs which you have in storage until 25.11.2022 will be replaced into Weapons Quality 7 since they have the same firepower. After 25.11.2022 you will receive new RPGs with x3.5 firepower. Table is changed and updated with new correct values.

This is a new item in game and we hope it will suit all your needs for faster energy recovery. The Power Pack lasts 3 days and provides you +50 energy recovery. You will be able to buy only one Power Pack during Black Friday for 49 Golds, but this item will be available only in Packs or as a reward in events for the next period.
When you buy Power Pack (or get it via events) it's automatically placed in your storage and you can activate it when ever you want to. When you decide to activate it, go to Improved buildings click on plus in the upper right corner and activate it (ex. same as gold pack).
Do not forget Black Friday is in front of us, there will be packs, and who knows, maybe some more changes regarding lately mentioned questions :)
- We will add 3 new milestones in Weekly Chalange with the start of next week. Monday at Day Change.
- With the start of new week we will add help for new players. Every player who registers into the game will have a 50% discount on company upgrades for 7 days.
Thanks for all players who helped us with testing and their ideas.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

HusOkanAce571Коментари (36)



Konosuba goddess Eris best girl

Quiero mi regalo admin





We are happy to hear it, we are still providing free Starter packs to players who return in game and those who register. False. My wife created account from her mobile and Internet as My refferal and admin shutted accaunt soon after. So I talked her out of it.

So admin basically lowered damage existing from existing Type of weapons.


Why you will low the damage of q6 weapons?

I am sorry but i dont see any logic in adding q8 weapons and not changing anything about it. Just asking for more gold with nothing to get in return.
Pay 770g more so you can get your q7 dmg back 🤦


Lol 770g just kill us already!!


lol all the q7 wep stacks now become useless RIP my 180k wep


Who are those genious with this ideas?


I want q6, q7 and q8 food.

@senad ✔️

Improve pay gold for figth in battles. Kill the game rigth now.

Excelente admincito, una vez más tu ingenio y perspicacia nos ha salvado del desastre, enhorabuena mamalon


hahahhahahha nice one really nice one
I won t be as your Countrymates talking i will leave game. One day you wont have my incomes.

Envíen sus armas q7 si no las quieren

GG... wow.. GG 


@Admin: ,,RPGs which you have in storage until 25.11.2022 will be replaced into Weapons Quality 7 since they have the same firepower!!! ,,
And you made a mistake in editing! Maybe you meant Q8 weapons!!!
Q7 weapons have a firepower of 2.5 and RPGs have a firepower of 3. As the new Q8 weapons will have a firepower of 3, RPGs must be replaced in Q8 weapons!!!