Публикувано в Serbia - Забавление - 08 Jun 2022 09:33 - 30
So, shall we began
Doring this three months Serbia has been engaged in world war with all oposite countries, directly with Peru and Mexico and indirectly with Bulgaria in Bulgaria Romania war and indirectly with USA and Macedonia, becouse of their MPPs with Peru, Mexico and Bulgaria. Doring that war, their side expected that Serbia will be deleted, as well as China and of course Romania, their war effort was in that direction, Mexico and Peru directly against Serbia and China, Bulgaria directly against Romania, and Macedonia and USA out of direct conflict but shooting for Mexico, Peru and Bulgaria using MPPs
Previous three months were long and exhausting, we needed to use all the tools at our disposal in war with all of them and we did. The end result was that Peru and Mexico were away from our strategic regions and without bonuses, We manage to cut their connection with China and free her from this war and we continue asking for her help via MPP. We menage to keep them away from us and doring that time we managed to secure bonuses and resourses for our war. One of other end result was that Romania wasnt deleted, we manage to do that, even if everyone else on their side thought that would never happen. In this three months, i was online constantly with my people in SSF and in Serbia. We were talking about tactic, doing OHs, waking up in 3am, 4am and shooting, shooting aginst all and everywhere, against Mexico, against Peru against Bulgaria for Romania, we even shooted for USA when Mexico wanted to come over Hawai to Philipines and then to Australia where the oil bonus was.
From that war, Serbia won, China as well and of course most important Romania, that we are the most proud of. We promisted Mexico that we will delete them, i propise that, but between deleting Mexico and defending Romania, we decided to defend Romania.
You need, all of you need to understand one thing, all this what happend from Serbia and me as her cp, results in the battles, our presence on map, our wins and our bonuses, asked for so much time and energy. If anyone wants to achive what i have done with Serbia and SSF, you need to understand that you need to give at least 8hours a day for a game. After all that, after three months of constant war i got tired, and exhausted, i decided to leave the active playing of the game and after some time the game it self. Before i do that, i wanted to leave my allies in peace and with bonuses.
I knew that after every three months there will be a change of resourses and i knew that we needed to wait them and see if something can be done. Before the acctual change on map happend i was texted by USA about idea coming from Mexico and Peru for peace and NAP and i knew that was my chanse for what i wanted and so i started talking with USA and Bulgaria.
We had luck and we got two regions for every rare on the map, now it was only needed to discus who will get what. My first idea was that USA gets all, all three resourses and Serbia as well. I wanted to leave Peru and Mexico without bonuses, but they decided their bonuses to give to Peru. I was ok with that, becouse better Peru then Mexico, i dont have nothing against Peru, but you know my opinion about Mexico already. We agreed that Peru will have 2x100, Serbia 3x100 and Bulgaria 1x100 and yes, Saudia Arabia already had 1x100. All resourses were given equaly to all sides, their side ended with 3x100 and our side as well. Next what i needed to think about were my allies, Romania, China and SA.
ROMANIA: Like i said i was very proud when they couldnt delete her. Honestly, Romania and here citizens are one of the best allies i ever had, and that is from the heart. Many times they helped Serbia and me personaly and that is true. Becouse of that and our 1.5 year long history for this time i was active, after this war was over and new resourses were given on the map and after i leave, i wanted her to leave in peace, with bonuses and on the map. My idea was that Romania and Bulgaria sign NAP, and that Romania gets regions and bonuses. From Bulgaria, offer on the table was next: two regions in Ukraine and free route to Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia and Bulgaria will not invade Romania and try do delete here. From there Romania could take cattle in Finland, rubber in Slovakia and limestone from Serbia. All that would mean next, 3x80 in Romania, 100% refund from Serbia, three months to recover and with good position on map Romania would be ready for next change of resourses and Serbia would have strong ally for next war. But that didnt happend, he slaped me in the face after i told him for peace and plan and he wanted to continue the war with Bulgaria, why, i dont know, only he knows. I told him, that i am tired, that i dont want to play any more, that i cant provide the help and time his war with Bulgaria demaned that we should make peace and NAP and after all that he continued his idea about the war with Bulgaria. NAP Romania Bulgaria was never a condition for NAP Serbia made with other countries. I told him that i will make NAP with him or without him, Serbia, her citizens, military units all of us proved and showed who we are for this past three months and other side knows that.
I was asked, why Romania didnt had the talks with other side. It didnt becouse i decided that way. Last time when Itso, Dido, Sasuke, asmin and i talked about peace, Dido itso and asmin got in an argue and becouse of that nothing could be done. Thats why i didnt call asmin for talks.
CHINA: When it comes to China, everyone knows that China is Serbia and that China is managed by serbians, so every action i plan or do, i have them on my mind. There was nothing to be gained for China from this change on map, only that she remains as it is now and that nobody attackes her and that was agreed.
SAUDI ARABIA: When it comes to Saudi Arabia, things with here are quit clear, on the scale 1-5 i would give only two for her results as an ally and a very weak two. So many times in the past i was ed by them and crossed but when i was new and naive in the game i let it go for so many times. So many times i was asked that other invade SA, every time i said no, every time i wanted to protect them and i did. For all this time they were out of wars, enjoing in resourses and taking regions they shouldnt. They took Kazahstan from China, Russia as well, from China and from Serbia. While we were fighting against Bulgaria, China and Serbia, we were fighting for regions we managed to free and wanted to attack, but couldnt becouse Saudi Arabia already did that, did they talk with us, tried to make some kind of plan, no, so i got tired. Five months before when Romania, Serbia, China were at war with Bulgaria, we asked them to send DoW on Bulgaria, did they do it, no. I was again told that others plan to attack her and my answer was if you want to attack her attack her. This time answer wasnt no.
When we are talking honestly, lets open all the cards. When we asked from Macedonia oil, they asked regions in return, they asked for regions in Croatia and BiH, becouse they can have bonuses. I wasnt willing to give them that, becouse my conection to Belgrade was under question in that situation. Then i saw that all that was in Egypt and i talked with SA, said that i need thoose regions so i could get oil from Macedonia and that all that they can get in India. I tought after i talked with them and with India, where India says, yes they can have my regions, that that problem is solved, but after i published article, Salah blocked me and from their side started coming text about how i sold them and i am giving regions without their aproval. I dont get it, i was asking for three stupid regions so we can have 3x100 and you are now telling me that you wont do it. Well, after hearing that i was mad on me for protecting them all this time.
Did i put in article that Macedonia cant invade Saudi Arabia, no i didnt. Why, becouse their side told me that they will probalby invade them. I was thinking, ok, lets see, Serbia would be without war, Romania as well, their side also, so on whole server there would be only war active war, Macedonia aginst Saudi Arabia, our side would shoot for SA, theirs for Macedonia. We will provide help for Saudia Arabia and their side for Macedonia. And this time, Saudia Arabia would see how is it when you are at war with someone and next time we ask for help they will respond as a real ally. This was planed as a lesson for them, but you see now, thing kinda got out of hand.
You need to understand one thing, how i evaluate ally. For me having MPP doesnt mean . If you are my ally, we need to talk, make plans and execute, espeacily in situation where Serbia, China and Romania were almost deleted. Did i have that from Saudi Arabia and their goverment, especaly from Great and Salah, no i didnt, so like i said, war Macedonia Saudi Arabia, should be a lesoon for them and war where others could shoot, becouse if everthing worked out as i planed, everyone else would be in peace. Serbia NAP, Romania NAP, other side NAP, only one active war Macedonia Saudi Arabia.
I have been asked for Greece, as my ally in the past and present, why did i allow her to be taken by Macedonia. So heres a little lesson for all server and especaily for those people asking this question. Curently situation on our map and in this server is next, one side Mexico, Peru, USA, Macedonia and Bulgaria, on other side Serbia, Romania, China and Saudi Arabia, with ptoted countries on bouth sides and one or two players in them. Curently when Mexico went to their side, they becoume so much stronger then us, they got 40 players and around 2000b demage, that means that we are weaker then them and that we need to plan carefully what we do and how we do. So that means next, Serbia needs to carefully pick battles, and fight only where she must. I have been asked why dont you free Greece, i am sorry to say this Diamantis but it is a tru, if i tried that Serbia and all countreis that are on here side would be deleted, becouse if i decided to free Greece, that would mean a direct war with Macedonia and i know very well that that other side wants . If Greece had bigger lation 20-30 strong people, maybe something can be done, but in situation where Greece has only less then 5 players, everything is clear. Becouse of that i am not doing anything and i try to keep Macedonia far from war with me, becouse i know if a went against Macedonia to free Greece, the same day i would get DoW from Peru and Mexico, and USA and Bulgaria would shoot for them. I can manage two DoWs, but i cant three, becouse Serbia is now present on all map. Even in situation if we managed to free Greece, Greece couldnt hold the regions becouse Macedonia is much, much powerful then Greece is.
When i said, that their side is stronger then us, you may ask hows that that our side is not deleted. Quit simple, Mexico and Peru are not using nothing when it comes to tools of war, while we use everything, ptoted countries, rws, direct battles, OHs, MPPs with dead countries with who we attack them, remmember Columbia, NZeland, and many more things and every possible combination of them. This only few countreis get it.
But now that is going to change, i am not willing to do anything from that anymore, i will just relax and wait and see how this all will work out at the end. To repeat my self, the idea was next, our and their side with bonuses, only active war Macedonia and Saudi Arabia and me personaly, out of this game knowing i have made all happened as i wanted, but like you see, things got little out of hand.
When it comes to Romania, i dont have anything aginst them, my problem is with Asmin, well, not a problem, just the man has some issues and doesnt see the full picture and sees only DidO, Itso and Boby. I am confident that if he didnt talked the things he did about Boby, he would never be in this situation. So, my relation with Asmin, like i said in message to him is over. When it comes to SA, well sorry but, if someone want to attack you, thats their desicion and when it comes to thoose three regions in Egypt, well i am sorry this didnt happend a long time ago, could save so much time. We save you all this time, you dont have war with anyone and you have bonuses and when i need something from you in return you say no, well you are guilty becouse of that.
I think i have covered everything, if anyone needs any kind of profe, i have done whole screen shoot with my talk with Asmin and i have everthing in discord group where i talked with USA and Bulgaria. Yes, one more thing, when SA didnt attacked Bulgaria, asmin and i thought that SA went to their side, and bouth of us planed at one point to allow that Bulgaria attack SA, so if you think asmin is your friend, he is not, he is not even mine anymore.
Thats all folks, this is the true and how and why did what i did. Damn i fell so good now when i get all this out of me, need to do this offten and talk more about my feeling and toughts
President of best country on whole server eSerbia
Doring this three months Serbia has been engaged in world war with all oposite countries, directly with Peru and Mexico and indirectly with Bulgaria in Bulgaria Romania war and indirectly with USA and Macedonia, becouse of their MPPs with Peru, Mexico and Bulgaria. Doring that war, their side expected that Serbia will be deleted, as well as China and of course Romania, their war effort was in that direction, Mexico and Peru directly against Serbia and China, Bulgaria directly against Romania, and Macedonia and USA out of direct conflict but shooting for Mexico, Peru and Bulgaria using MPPs
Previous three months were long and exhausting, we needed to use all the tools at our disposal in war with all of them and we did. The end result was that Peru and Mexico were away from our strategic regions and without bonuses, We manage to cut their connection with China and free her from this war and we continue asking for her help via MPP. We menage to keep them away from us and doring that time we managed to secure bonuses and resourses for our war. One of other end result was that Romania wasnt deleted, we manage to do that, even if everyone else on their side thought that would never happen. In this three months, i was online constantly with my people in SSF and in Serbia. We were talking about tactic, doing OHs, waking up in 3am, 4am and shooting, shooting aginst all and everywhere, against Mexico, against Peru against Bulgaria for Romania, we even shooted for USA when Mexico wanted to come over Hawai to Philipines and then to Australia where the oil bonus was.
From that war, Serbia won, China as well and of course most important Romania, that we are the most proud of. We promisted Mexico that we will delete them, i propise that, but between deleting Mexico and defending Romania, we decided to defend Romania.
You need, all of you need to understand one thing, all this what happend from Serbia and me as her cp, results in the battles, our presence on map, our wins and our bonuses, asked for so much time and energy. If anyone wants to achive what i have done with Serbia and SSF, you need to understand that you need to give at least 8hours a day for a game. After all that, after three months of constant war i got tired, and exhausted, i decided to leave the active playing of the game and after some time the game it self. Before i do that, i wanted to leave my allies in peace and with bonuses.
I knew that after every three months there will be a change of resourses and i knew that we needed to wait them and see if something can be done. Before the acctual change on map happend i was texted by USA about idea coming from Mexico and Peru for peace and NAP and i knew that was my chanse for what i wanted and so i started talking with USA and Bulgaria.
We had luck and we got two regions for every rare on the map, now it was only needed to discus who will get what. My first idea was that USA gets all, all three resourses and Serbia as well. I wanted to leave Peru and Mexico without bonuses, but they decided their bonuses to give to Peru. I was ok with that, becouse better Peru then Mexico, i dont have nothing against Peru, but you know my opinion about Mexico already. We agreed that Peru will have 2x100, Serbia 3x100 and Bulgaria 1x100 and yes, Saudia Arabia already had 1x100. All resourses were given equaly to all sides, their side ended with 3x100 and our side as well. Next what i needed to think about were my allies, Romania, China and SA.
ROMANIA: Like i said i was very proud when they couldnt delete her. Honestly, Romania and here citizens are one of the best allies i ever had, and that is from the heart. Many times they helped Serbia and me personaly and that is true. Becouse of that and our 1.5 year long history for this time i was active, after this war was over and new resourses were given on the map and after i leave, i wanted her to leave in peace, with bonuses and on the map. My idea was that Romania and Bulgaria sign NAP, and that Romania gets regions and bonuses. From Bulgaria, offer on the table was next: two regions in Ukraine and free route to Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia and Bulgaria will not invade Romania and try do delete here. From there Romania could take cattle in Finland, rubber in Slovakia and limestone from Serbia. All that would mean next, 3x80 in Romania, 100% refund from Serbia, three months to recover and with good position on map Romania would be ready for next change of resourses and Serbia would have strong ally for next war. But that didnt happend, he slaped me in the face after i told him for peace and plan and he wanted to continue the war with Bulgaria, why, i dont know, only he knows. I told him, that i am tired, that i dont want to play any more, that i cant provide the help and time his war with Bulgaria demaned that we should make peace and NAP and after all that he continued his idea about the war with Bulgaria. NAP Romania Bulgaria was never a condition for NAP Serbia made with other countries. I told him that i will make NAP with him or without him, Serbia, her citizens, military units all of us proved and showed who we are for this past three months and other side knows that.
I was asked, why Romania didnt had the talks with other side. It didnt becouse i decided that way. Last time when Itso, Dido, Sasuke, asmin and i talked about peace, Dido itso and asmin got in an argue and becouse of that nothing could be done. Thats why i didnt call asmin for talks.
CHINA: When it comes to China, everyone knows that China is Serbia and that China is managed by serbians, so every action i plan or do, i have them on my mind. There was nothing to be gained for China from this change on map, only that she remains as it is now and that nobody attackes her and that was agreed.
SAUDI ARABIA: When it comes to Saudi Arabia, things with here are quit clear, on the scale 1-5 i would give only two for her results as an ally and a very weak two. So many times in the past i was ed by them and crossed but when i was new and naive in the game i let it go for so many times. So many times i was asked that other invade SA, every time i said no, every time i wanted to protect them and i did. For all this time they were out of wars, enjoing in resourses and taking regions they shouldnt. They took Kazahstan from China, Russia as well, from China and from Serbia. While we were fighting against Bulgaria, China and Serbia, we were fighting for regions we managed to free and wanted to attack, but couldnt becouse Saudi Arabia already did that, did they talk with us, tried to make some kind of plan, no, so i got tired. Five months before when Romania, Serbia, China were at war with Bulgaria, we asked them to send DoW on Bulgaria, did they do it, no. I was again told that others plan to attack her and my answer was if you want to attack her attack her. This time answer wasnt no.
When we are talking honestly, lets open all the cards. When we asked from Macedonia oil, they asked regions in return, they asked for regions in Croatia and BiH, becouse they can have bonuses. I wasnt willing to give them that, becouse my conection to Belgrade was under question in that situation. Then i saw that all that was in Egypt and i talked with SA, said that i need thoose regions so i could get oil from Macedonia and that all that they can get in India. I tought after i talked with them and with India, where India says, yes they can have my regions, that that problem is solved, but after i published article, Salah blocked me and from their side started coming text about how i sold them and i am giving regions without their aproval. I dont get it, i was asking for three stupid regions so we can have 3x100 and you are now telling me that you wont do it. Well, after hearing that i was mad on me for protecting them all this time.
Did i put in article that Macedonia cant invade Saudi Arabia, no i didnt. Why, becouse their side told me that they will probalby invade them. I was thinking, ok, lets see, Serbia would be without war, Romania as well, their side also, so on whole server there would be only war active war, Macedonia aginst Saudi Arabia, our side would shoot for SA, theirs for Macedonia. We will provide help for Saudia Arabia and their side for Macedonia. And this time, Saudia Arabia would see how is it when you are at war with someone and next time we ask for help they will respond as a real ally. This was planed as a lesson for them, but you see now, thing kinda got out of hand.
You need to understand one thing, how i evaluate ally. For me having MPP doesnt mean . If you are my ally, we need to talk, make plans and execute, espeacily in situation where Serbia, China and Romania were almost deleted. Did i have that from Saudi Arabia and their goverment, especaly from Great and Salah, no i didnt, so like i said, war Macedonia Saudi Arabia, should be a lesoon for them and war where others could shoot, becouse if everthing worked out as i planed, everyone else would be in peace. Serbia NAP, Romania NAP, other side NAP, only one active war Macedonia Saudi Arabia.
I have been asked for Greece, as my ally in the past and present, why did i allow her to be taken by Macedonia. So heres a little lesson for all server and especaily for those people asking this question. Curently situation on our map and in this server is next, one side Mexico, Peru, USA, Macedonia and Bulgaria, on other side Serbia, Romania, China and Saudi Arabia, with ptoted countries on bouth sides and one or two players in them. Curently when Mexico went to their side, they becoume so much stronger then us, they got 40 players and around 2000b demage, that means that we are weaker then them and that we need to plan carefully what we do and how we do. So that means next, Serbia needs to carefully pick battles, and fight only where she must. I have been asked why dont you free Greece, i am sorry to say this Diamantis but it is a tru, if i tried that Serbia and all countreis that are on here side would be deleted, becouse if i decided to free Greece, that would mean a direct war with Macedonia and i know very well that that other side wants . If Greece had bigger lation 20-30 strong people, maybe something can be done, but in situation where Greece has only less then 5 players, everything is clear. Becouse of that i am not doing anything and i try to keep Macedonia far from war with me, becouse i know if a went against Macedonia to free Greece, the same day i would get DoW from Peru and Mexico, and USA and Bulgaria would shoot for them. I can manage two DoWs, but i cant three, becouse Serbia is now present on all map. Even in situation if we managed to free Greece, Greece couldnt hold the regions becouse Macedonia is much, much powerful then Greece is.
When i said, that their side is stronger then us, you may ask hows that that our side is not deleted. Quit simple, Mexico and Peru are not using nothing when it comes to tools of war, while we use everything, ptoted countries, rws, direct battles, OHs, MPPs with dead countries with who we attack them, remmember Columbia, NZeland, and many more things and every possible combination of them. This only few countreis get it.
But now that is going to change, i am not willing to do anything from that anymore, i will just relax and wait and see how this all will work out at the end. To repeat my self, the idea was next, our and their side with bonuses, only active war Macedonia and Saudi Arabia and me personaly, out of this game knowing i have made all happened as i wanted, but like you see, things got little out of hand.
When it comes to Romania, i dont have anything aginst them, my problem is with Asmin, well, not a problem, just the man has some issues and doesnt see the full picture and sees only DidO, Itso and Boby. I am confident that if he didnt talked the things he did about Boby, he would never be in this situation. So, my relation with Asmin, like i said in message to him is over. When it comes to SA, well sorry but, if someone want to attack you, thats their desicion and when it comes to thoose three regions in Egypt, well i am sorry this didnt happend a long time ago, could save so much time. We save you all this time, you dont have war with anyone and you have bonuses and when i need something from you in return you say no, well you are guilty becouse of that.
I think i have covered everything, if anyone needs any kind of profe, i have done whole screen shoot with my talk with Asmin and i have everthing in discord group where i talked with USA and Bulgaria. Yes, one more thing, when SA didnt attacked Bulgaria, asmin and i thought that SA went to their side, and bouth of us planed at one point to allow that Bulgaria attack SA, so if you think asmin is your friend, he is not, he is not even mine anymore.
Thats all folks, this is the true and how and why did what i did. Damn i fell so good now when i get all this out of me, need to do this offten and talk more about my feeling and toughts
President of best country on whole server eSerbia
TBPTKOKosingasКоментари (30)

One more thing, if i were on Mexican place i wouldnt talk to much about me and them. I got profe from your side where you say how and when you will betray us. I wanted to publish that screen shoot a long time ago, but the people who send me that, told me not to do it becouse that was for my eyes only. So i am waiting for them to stop playing this game or to allow me to do it and then i will publish it

well Stevang, as u mentioned, peru and mexico we are a bit bad in tactics, and i have to admit u serbians r far more good at it, maybe also the differences how close u r from the server. Was a really good fights, as a war game was fun.
ah btw, about ur screenshot its ok to publish it, after we found out ur conversations with peru underwater, and not neutral move available, in fact we tried to enmend things with peru and change sides, because we cant go against serbia 1 vs 1. so probably that screenshot was after we found out ur conversations with peru about bonuses in australia, and after u signed the nap with USA

Too long for read...send me 100 golds for insults! Damn you!

Part 2 of my article will explain also bits and bobs you forgot to mention .. intentional or not.. we will see...

Time will tell. One thing is sure. You managed to loose 2 allies atleast with active players.
I dont care for bonuses so bring it on.

@Primer Ofical, the NAP with USA was signed one or two days after admin changed resourses on the map and about screen shoot, it was sent to me before you started your war with Peru, so i ask for people who send me the screen shoot to allow me to publish it

Mmm eating popcorn reading from the sidelines...
Anyway it is a game everyone just enjoy it

@Salah ad din Yusuf, SA is a dead country. You can thank Serbia, Romania and China for your present on the map, and read now carefully, becouse, especaly, becouse of me. Three times in the past two years i said NO to other side for invasion on you, THREE FUCKING TIMES

When did Peru order nap? Peru wants war but we already signed the nap xD Jajajajaja zzzzzz

SA is alive for as long as I am there.


@Salah ad din Yusuf SA is dead contry for a long time. If that is not the case, we would get the help we needed, but its not, becouse you know, who ever goes after SA, will take here in matter of weeks and becouse that you try to stay away from every possible conflict, like before with Bulgaria. But now i am tired of Saudia Arabia. If you were with me 100%, this would never happend, but you didnt and you know it

No images, no reading!

So... what phase are we in? xD

NAP phase

ah when i said so probably that screenshot was after we found out ur conversations with peru about bonuses in australia and after u signed the nap with USA
im saying the conversations with peru about bonuses and nap with usa as one thing, i meant, after those 2 things happened, we started to design a plan to leave the alliance and join the other, we dont think it as betrayed from our part since u betrayed first for those conversations, u always try to persuad or negotiate in message individually, in private, and when u put all conversations together is a mess, really a mess

I am waiting for them to hand over South Africa to me but I see that they are defending it in the nap phase, are we?

@SIRVAMPIRO by NAP agreement South Africa is yours and i wrote on my country wall and world wall that we are leaving that and other regions we dont need and that who wants can shoot. If we wanted to defend that regions, DO would be there and demage diference would be 20-30-40b not 2.5b so act as a president and dont write any more comment like this. If you are not able to shoot and free region with 2.5b demage wall, then i will come to Peru, you can set me as MoD and i will shoot, take down rw and attack that region instead of you

@Primer Oficial Order of event was like this:
-Mexico was with Serbia, China, SA and Romania
-Admin changed resourses on the map
-Serbia signed NAP with USA and divided resourses, USA will have wep in Japan, Serbia wep in Australia, Serbia shared food with USA, Macedonia 100% food and SA 100% house
-Serbia went for oil in Australia which belonged to Peru
-Serbia was helping Romania and China with Bulgaria and was working on route to Australia
-When Serbia reached South Africa, Mexico decided to go aginst Peru by himself when Serbia told him not yet
-Mexico used war with Peru as an excuse to leave Romania, Greece, SA and China
-Mexico signed MPP with Macedonia, USA, Bulgaria and of course with Peru, isnt this odd
-Mexico then declared war on Serbia and China and with Peru started attacking China and Serbia
-Reason, they were jelaous becoue they ended without bonuses and tought that with other side they will have more luck and becouse they were angy why they didnt end with bonuses they wanted to delete us
That is how it was, saying something else is just moving others from the truth. But it is how it is, you made your choise, wheter i like it or not. No need to talk about that, you have your opinion i have mine and nothing is going to change that

Stevang, just see the point in sirvampiro argument, but is useless if the cp respect the nap and the all others serbians dont respect it and keep fighting, i just write because sirvampiro is complicated to write it down in english, but i really hope that the nap last more time

@Primer Oficial The NAP continues and Serbia will respect the therms of NAP. I told that to Dido and he told me that he told you that and i worote that on world wall
When it comes to SIRVAMPIRO comment, we have 100 player, someone always shoot where they are not suposed to shoot and how much they shooted 5b, thats nothing and only one player, there was noboody from group that runs Serbia, so there was no point for that comment

true about that, u cant control everyone in a country of 100, i hope i wont happen more offen, the idea is to take without resistance..but of course my comment makes sense, its important the condemnation of these actions from the cp of serbia

I wait for you in Peru xD

Need to sort things here, after some time maybe i could come for 10 days, but will you accept cs request? 

Stevang u r tired men, relax in peru, u deserve some vacations

Honestly, my wish in real life is to come and visit Mexico and Peru

Well this is a game, real life its better in many ways, food, music, people, here we play the roll that we need to play, in real life we r just husbands or brothers, workers etc, i hope u can do it, it worth it, in my case i recommend a lot the food from mexico in the center and south of mexico, and its so cheap

Truth be told, YAsmin can make even more mess than a real woman. Trans people are often just like xem - very unhinged, unbalanced, always ready for drama which is in fact good for us here at Erev2 for xe provides quality entertainment to everyone free of charge.

Now I know Bikkin is talking from his own experience of being what he accuses me of being... lol .. That sort of stuff you can only know if you LIVE it and not read it or see it ...

Well of course it is personal - everyone has this experience who had the luck to watch YAsmin acting out at Erev1 and here for years!