Публикувано в Romania - Политически дебати и анализи - 08 Jun 2022 02:33 - 32
First of all I want to declare that as soon as this NAP is over ROMANIA will become NEUTRAL towards any other country. Further MPP's will only be negotiated with people that do not discuss behind closed doors RO's future without RO presence and negotiate thinking of RO well being not only theirs.
So, you are all wondering why RO did not want the WORLD PEACE in EREV2.. well this is why:
A few days ago I have been contacted by Stevan (SRB CP)
Asking me if I want peace with BG, and that he negotiated NAP with countries SRB is at WAR.
Soon after that I asked my guys if we are to make a NAP with BG and responses were all negative cause why should we make NAP with BG when we are enjoying the WAR with them... and WORLD WIDE NAP... really? WTF...
My response was this:

And I am standing firm on it that I would rather all do what they want but RO continue WAR with BG.
I asked him who initiated the peace offer between BG and RO
And from the start I told him we are willing to make a 1vs1 with BG and none of us get help or CS moves into our countries to help.
His answer was that they first started the talks about SRB makeing peace with MEX and PERU (I found out later on that Sasuke contacted Stevan to make this happen)
Nothing was talked about RO, until than, because it was behind closed doors and Stevan only though of his well being, and a way to retrat from WAR with MEX and PERU not for the rest... meaning RO, CH, SA, GR...
After that I point out to Stevan my conditions of WORLDWIDE PEACE
Its not that RO did not want WORLDWIDE PEACE durring the summer, its that BG as Stevan says did not accept any of our terms of peace. And as you can see from my convo with Stevan we clearly stated from the beginning that RO does not need bonuses and does not need UKR regions if BG also retreats from them. But Stevan concentrated himself on talking to them only for SRB well being not for others as we s see further in the discussion..
Stevan though of everything for himself and SRB from the start except he did not think of anything for the rest of the countries in the so called ally (infact we are only MPP based not an ally attall)
From all this you can clearly see that Stevan negotiated with Peru and Mexico to LET SERBIA have 3x100% bonuses. And what about the rest? RO can not impose any conditions? SA either? GR either? And this refusal of mine f**ks up HIS plan of peace with MEX and PERU... But what about RO? RO gets according to his screenshot https://prnt.sc/qys2dRmnv-AC some regions that we do not need.. and he imposes the FRIENDLY TAXBACK we used to have with SRB (Made by Cos long ago not by him) as a part of the deal as if he conditions us to sign the NAP or else HE will not give us the friendly gesture no more.
And here comes the interesting and funny part
QUOTE: Would you be interested more if i would tell you that soon Saudi Arabia will be in war.... END of QUOTE..
Hmmm... does that mean he thrown SA to the wolves? So he negotiated some SA regions behind closed doors giving them to who...
... So SA agrees to give part of its bonus regions to MKD?? Really?
I think Stevan only though of his well being and summer retreat with PEACE and MEX and PERU letting him have bonuses, not of the rest. Also where is GR our former ally into all this? GR regions remain to MKD or?
Me asking SA MoD if that what is written on his profile is true...
and answer:

But lets get back to Stevan, and what he planned... THE BIG NAP
Look closely to all the end terms with all countries and tell me what is missing... besides RO not being mentioned of not being invaded by other countries... I tell you what :) SA not being invaded by MKD :D

Also its not the first time you wanted to trow someone to the lions... if I remember right not long ago you told me we can give Turkish territories to BG... while TR is your ally isn't it? :P And also told me at same time SA is weak and BG can take regions from them to make bonuses and let us alone in Georgia,Armenia,Azerbaijan...
So that is the WORLD PEACE in Stevan eyes...

SA gives Egypt to Macedonia and in return Serbia is given by Macedonia Italy and Montenegro... but there is no mention that MKD will never invade SA for more bonuses... And were did Stevan negotiate GR well being? Or have you forgot that GR was and always been with us...?
In bigger words Stevan though of everything when it came to Serbia getting rid of WAR he can not handle with Mexico and Peru, and getting bonuses.. but he talked alone with the other side, and SA and RO representatives were not invited into this so we can stand for our well being.. (in small words we were given a choice to accept this or no deal), and when I raised a question and imposed my 2 options BG did not accept any of them cause well Serbia already promised them HOUSE bonus and MKD was promised also bonus from SA and GR regions..
And why should I accept something such as WORLDWIDE PEACE on a WAR GAME ??? Are you serious mister Stevan? Is this a WORLD WIDE PEACE or a PEACE for SERBIA ???
Also I point out that after I said I want a 1vs1 with BG.. I made that clear to them also on ALL chat so everyone can see, not behind closed doors
and to Dido (the CP of BG after impeach)
.... but we still wait for them to GROW SOME BALLS and accept this and respect the 1vs1 rules of noone helping either them or us and noone changing CS (like Primer Official already done to help them...)
And in the end when I confronted Stevan with all this ... this is his reaction:
I always treasured RO-SRB friendship and respected Cos and a bunch more from there (they know themselves) and even you Stevan until this... even when Mexico back stabbed both of us.. and when it was clear that Serbia on this server has and will only have RO as friends, cause everyone is against you guys.. and I always said I will never turn my face to Serbia, cause YES I know you guys helped us so much... but don't tell me that RO presence on the WAR front did not do Serbia well of not letting everyone else hit all against Serbia and have no way of standing against all of them.... The mear thing that kept Serbia from not loosing and YOU KNOW THIS.. is that RO, GR and SA stood on your side and as much as we could we were a thorn in the of USA+BG+MKD+PERU and +MEX ...
So shame on you Stevan for even thinking I and RO will stand still and take imposed NAP agreements with BG, after all this time of fighting them, and after closed doors discussions with them that RO did not even participate into. I am a man of my word and I consider myself a diplomat at first and every decision I make, I make between me and the party I do it with...
Also after we did not made Stevans gameplay and refused NAP as he wanted it, I asked again if Serbia will give RO again TAXBACK as it used to and this is Stevans response:
So from Serbia giving RO 100% TAXBACK now he says 3 out of 5 RSD... (not that its not a fair offer and it would be the same as being an SRB citizen.. but this change from 100% to 60% is a way showing me how Stevan thinks he can buy us and I do not like this) RO was, is and will forever never be bought with such things for a NAP imposed !!!
RO declared itself NEUTRAL but we will happily keep MPP with any country that believe in EQUALITY not superiority like SERBIA. (Later EDIT... Serbia under Stevan as CP..)
PS: Al my respect to Cos, Moonshadow, Govedo, Otis, iCobra, Cemi and all the rest of its people that have made Serbia great, but you Stevan have lost your position in my eyes and in your allies eyes as it points out to be..
So, you are all wondering why RO did not want the WORLD PEACE in EREV2.. well this is why:
A few days ago I have been contacted by Stevan (SRB CP)

Asking me if I want peace with BG, and that he negotiated NAP with countries SRB is at WAR.
Soon after that I asked my guys if we are to make a NAP with BG and responses were all negative cause why should we make NAP with BG when we are enjoying the WAR with them... and WORLD WIDE NAP... really? WTF...
My response was this:

And I am standing firm on it that I would rather all do what they want but RO continue WAR with BG.
I asked him who initiated the peace offer between BG and RO

And from the start I told him we are willing to make a 1vs1 with BG and none of us get help or CS moves into our countries to help.
His answer was that they first started the talks about SRB makeing peace with MEX and PERU (I found out later on that Sasuke contacted Stevan to make this happen)

Nothing was talked about RO, until than, because it was behind closed doors and Stevan only though of his well being, and a way to retrat from WAR with MEX and PERU not for the rest... meaning RO, CH, SA, GR...
After that I point out to Stevan my conditions of WORLDWIDE PEACE

Its not that RO did not want WORLDWIDE PEACE durring the summer, its that BG as Stevan says did not accept any of our terms of peace. And as you can see from my convo with Stevan we clearly stated from the beginning that RO does not need bonuses and does not need UKR regions if BG also retreats from them. But Stevan concentrated himself on talking to them only for SRB well being not for others as we s see further in the discussion..
Stevan though of everything for himself and SRB from the start except he did not think of anything for the rest of the countries in the so called ally (infact we are only MPP based not an ally attall)

From all this you can clearly see that Stevan negotiated with Peru and Mexico to LET SERBIA have 3x100% bonuses. And what about the rest? RO can not impose any conditions? SA either? GR either? And this refusal of mine f**ks up HIS plan of peace with MEX and PERU... But what about RO? RO gets according to his screenshot https://prnt.sc/qys2dRmnv-AC some regions that we do not need.. and he imposes the FRIENDLY TAXBACK we used to have with SRB (Made by Cos long ago not by him) as a part of the deal as if he conditions us to sign the NAP or else HE will not give us the friendly gesture no more.
And here comes the interesting and funny part

QUOTE: Would you be interested more if i would tell you that soon Saudi Arabia will be in war.... END of QUOTE..
Hmmm... does that mean he thrown SA to the wolves? So he negotiated some SA regions behind closed doors giving them to who...

... So SA agrees to give part of its bonus regions to MKD?? Really?

I think Stevan only though of his well being and summer retreat with PEACE and MEX and PERU letting him have bonuses, not of the rest. Also where is GR our former ally into all this? GR regions remain to MKD or?
Me asking SA MoD if that what is written on his profile is true...

and answer:

But lets get back to Stevan, and what he planned... THE BIG NAP
Look closely to all the end terms with all countries and tell me what is missing... besides RO not being mentioned of not being invaded by other countries... I tell you what :) SA not being invaded by MKD :D

Also its not the first time you wanted to trow someone to the lions... if I remember right not long ago you told me we can give Turkish territories to BG... while TR is your ally isn't it? :P And also told me at same time SA is weak and BG can take regions from them to make bonuses and let us alone in Georgia,Armenia,Azerbaijan...
So that is the WORLD PEACE in Stevan eyes...

SA gives Egypt to Macedonia and in return Serbia is given by Macedonia Italy and Montenegro... but there is no mention that MKD will never invade SA for more bonuses... And were did Stevan negotiate GR well being? Or have you forgot that GR was and always been with us...?
In bigger words Stevan though of everything when it came to Serbia getting rid of WAR he can not handle with Mexico and Peru, and getting bonuses.. but he talked alone with the other side, and SA and RO representatives were not invited into this so we can stand for our well being.. (in small words we were given a choice to accept this or no deal), and when I raised a question and imposed my 2 options BG did not accept any of them cause well Serbia already promised them HOUSE bonus and MKD was promised also bonus from SA and GR regions..
And why should I accept something such as WORLDWIDE PEACE on a WAR GAME ??? Are you serious mister Stevan? Is this a WORLD WIDE PEACE or a PEACE for SERBIA ???
Also I point out that after I said I want a 1vs1 with BG.. I made that clear to them also on ALL chat so everyone can see, not behind closed doors

and to Dido (the CP of BG after impeach)

.... but we still wait for them to GROW SOME BALLS and accept this and respect the 1vs1 rules of noone helping either them or us and noone changing CS (like Primer Official already done to help them...)

And in the end when I confronted Stevan with all this ... this is his reaction:

I always treasured RO-SRB friendship and respected Cos and a bunch more from there (they know themselves) and even you Stevan until this... even when Mexico back stabbed both of us.. and when it was clear that Serbia on this server has and will only have RO as friends, cause everyone is against you guys.. and I always said I will never turn my face to Serbia, cause YES I know you guys helped us so much... but don't tell me that RO presence on the WAR front did not do Serbia well of not letting everyone else hit all against Serbia and have no way of standing against all of them.... The mear thing that kept Serbia from not loosing and YOU KNOW THIS.. is that RO, GR and SA stood on your side and as much as we could we were a thorn in the of USA+BG+MKD+PERU and +MEX ...
So shame on you Stevan for even thinking I and RO will stand still and take imposed NAP agreements with BG, after all this time of fighting them, and after closed doors discussions with them that RO did not even participate into. I am a man of my word and I consider myself a diplomat at first and every decision I make, I make between me and the party I do it with...
Also after we did not made Stevans gameplay and refused NAP as he wanted it, I asked again if Serbia will give RO again TAXBACK as it used to and this is Stevans response:

So from Serbia giving RO 100% TAXBACK now he says 3 out of 5 RSD... (not that its not a fair offer and it would be the same as being an SRB citizen.. but this change from 100% to 60% is a way showing me how Stevan thinks he can buy us and I do not like this) RO was, is and will forever never be bought with such things for a NAP imposed !!!
RO declared itself NEUTRAL but we will happily keep MPP with any country that believe in EQUALITY not superiority like SERBIA. (Later EDIT... Serbia under Stevan as CP..)
PS: Al my respect to Cos, Moonshadow, Govedo, Otis, iCobra, Cemi and all the rest of its people that have made Serbia great, but you Stevan have lost your position in my eyes and in your allies eyes as it points out to be..
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It is all because Stevan got married

As SA player we are not afraid to fight back Macedonians.
As for Stevan , I have no words for this politics.
Serbians can be proud.

Stevan is really bad politican and bad strategist.It s better that he give that positions to someone else. Govedo was 100x better CP than Stevan!

make love not war

Al my respect to Coasss, Moonshadow, Govedo, Obi, iCobra, Cemi and all the rest that have made Serbia great, but you Stevan have lost your position in my eyes and in your allies eyes as it points out to be..


Mne, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Romania, SA all countries betrayed from Serbia

He did the same with Mexico, he traded regions of Mexico that favored Peru when we were at war with them. That s why we decided to leave Serbia behind.

Austria cannot attach any country because will be deleted

Stevan s account was overtaken by his wife

Tomorrow I will write the 2nd part of this LONG CONVERSATION with Stevan ... today I have no more time.

The perfect explanation of how we were forced to assert ourselves. That character still doesn t understand what the word ally means.

Finally, masks are down.

Too long for read.....Govedo is alway right....#delete account, send me 100 gold for insulting me! Now! Bastardo!

In Brazil, the expression vish would summarize what I have just read

Govedo you can read only the begining and the end 😅

First of all, I am very sorry that you found out in this way, this kind of news leaves you very surprised, when in Mexico we found out how StevanG used us and did what he wanted with us, secretly planning with our enemies.
The news also impacted us, we didn t know what to do, I also wanted to unmask stevan, but I only had fragments of my conversations with him, as the days passed they were already erased, nobody believed me what stevan was like, only my Mexican friends they believed me, that s why we decided to leave, of course you didn t have to believe us, you trusted stevans words, no one can blame you, and we decided to change alliance and i have to say, we also contemplate being neutral, but because of stevans vengeful character, and with coasss that only follows orders from stevan, we couldn t stay neutral, that s why we joined this alliance, to try to unmask how stevan moves things only at his will, it s not against serbian, it s against stevan.
now thanks to you, stevan is finally unmasked as he really is, I can only thank you.
U called us traitors, but now u faced the truth, now u can call urself traitor, but instead call us or call u traitor, the best word to describe is aware.

Told u

@Primer Ofical, what do you think, about the sreen shoot i got, who said war between Peru and Mexico will be a fraud and that only reason for that is to take demage from Serbia and weaken her?

i dont denied that, of course i said it, but see the dates,
ur talks with peru 17th march
my plans to turn the table against serbia 18th march,
i didnt delete the group in whatsapp so i have the same screenshots to proof that after we found out that u were making deals with peru, we took action

the first three battles were real, just finishing the third battle, i talked with peru, and i found out all your tricks in secret

@Primer Oficial I again ask, like i did in your article, what kind of deal i made with Peru, give me proof?
The screen shoot is not from your group in whatsapp

the proof of dealing with peru about the oil in australia, but thats it, as u said, is all in the past, u have ur opinion we have ours, just try to consider ur allies, not just in battles or damage, also aswell in the plans, u always do plans without the consent or advice of others allies, thats why is happening what is happen now, so if u still have an ally, consider not just impose, ask not just bossing around.

Not true, in all this time i was here, proved something, that was, that i alwayes cared for my allies but they didnt cared for me and Serbia

now results that everyone is the bad guys and u the good guy =/
sounds like a madman, and the real life history has a lot of them =P
dont bring the reality to this game =P
(Hail Stevang! Hail the pure blood! Hail Serbia!) sounds familiar to u?

From the beginig my talks about the NAP for SA and Romania i was honest and opend. I have saved all what i have talked with Asmin, 20 page pdf document and everthing is on discord group with Bulgaria, USA and Serbia, so i have nothing to hide. Who ever wants can ask for this things and will get them. Yes, i find my self as a good guy in all this. I cared more for them then they did for us. And your responses with events from reality and making picture of me as whatt??? proves and tell me what kind of men you are. But nothing new there, i already knew that

u did it with mexico, u did it with romania, u did it with SA, just one common denominator.
Who will be the brave that tries to be in the same alliance with u?
Everyone will think it too many times before tries

What i did.with Romania, what i did with SA and what i did with Mexico?

Betray for regions

What regions?

So to make this NAP pointless, all I have to do is to tank a little bit at end of battle so Serbia loose their precious bonuses.
Challenge acepted.

E jesi glup