Публикувано в Saudi Arabia - Забавление - 08 Jan 2022 04:42 - 13
Hello Guys,
as of one of the tasks that I want to do in 2022 year, I made to learn how to make good videos on youtube.
Al this resources from this game might help so I ll drop some videos here occasionally.
Wish you best , (picture is for traditional reasons)

GovedoLuffytaroLuffytaroLuffytaroLuffytaroalexMKosingasBunnyliuSPIRIT OF DEATHSPIRIT OF DEATHBOSMANAlbert weskernEsTanEsTanEsTaКоментари (13)


Bravo za trud, samo predugo traje video, mora da ga skratiš za pola

And you dont mention the brain behind usa only the muscles..

Nice video

Nice work!💪💪

ima kina ima mene ima vote 

Jebo te fyrom

nice girl

Zar se sad ne kaže Severni FYROM?

Koje je mesto republika kosovo ?

Каже се београдски пашалук

Very good!