Публикувано в Serbia - Забавление - 27 Dec 2021 23:57 - 9
What do you think about it? Is it a good thing or not? Now we have some really crazy stuff at market. For example, on Serbian weapon market q7 is cheaper then q1. Ok i know that we got Business center for 6 days, but its not good situation at all. What we will get in next few days? We will get more and more cheaper wep and food. It is great for us (Serbia) because we will spend less money for fighting, but what is happens with communities that dont have much players? The price of items will go down, there is a bunch of accounts that only farm and sell, without fighting.
Am I distract you from reading serious stuff?

Q1 wep on Serbian market

Q7 wep on Serbian market

Weapons and food? Govedo when we will have some fun?

Does investment in new companies dont make sense now?
If you wanted higher production, now you have it without upgrading new company. I saw that price of q7 food at Serbian market. I was happy, because I waited this price, so i can buy 50k+ for mission days. Can you imagine shock when I saw that i have already 30K in my storage and only 50k free space. And in next few days i will produce even more with Business center. So basically im fine with my supplies.
Q7 food on Serbia market

So what we will get now in the game. Everything is cheap and available for everyone. Basically most of the trade will stop, because all players have more from personal production. I will not buy anything from market, because I have all. It means less tax income from market and job market. Less regular trade, more trade on black market.
Trade, black market, job market.....stop and come to me, you notty Govedo!

We will see what will happens after 1st of January with all round reset. You know what will happend? Big countries will get bonuses withing few days, and activity will be less then now. Admin will try to do something with missions, but all strategy will be pretty much dead. It will be even more when we soend gold for more company upgrade.
Govedo, do I need to do everything myself?

I hope that im wrong, but I think it is not good move with change of production.
Best regards
st elmo fireZICERkobby88ZeparRikiКоментари (9)

Od ove sa poslednje fotke, neće mi biti dobro tokom celog dana :/

pa kad ih gledas u oci...

Meni od ove prve fotke..

ebo te enkleski al te prdare izvukoše imaš fote

its good for me, I love it... 

Pa ide hrana i wep enormno brzo kad se tenka , tako da bit ce to na cijeni

Cure golishave, a pada sneg...

I Jel ova zadnja Denise Milani?

Jeste manijače stari :/
Pazi šta radiš, to mi je miljenica!