Публикувано в Saudi Arabia - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 10 Aug 2021 04:02 - 6
Weekly Tournament table. There will be M-Unit tab and 3 tabs for players which will consist players based on previous week damage
= 0-1B
= 1B-10B
= 10B +
= 0-500M
= 500M-4B
= 4B+
This is how it will be from next week, its posaible that this will be changed again
= 0-1B
= 1B-10B
= 10B +
= 0-500M
= 500M-4B
= 4B+
This is how it will be from next week, its posaible that this will be changed again
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I havent seen more stupid idea than this yet in 1040 days of this server.

I think the new version of the event turned out to be quite nice. The only problem is that all categories have the same prizes.

It would have been more correct depending on the strenght, I m curious to see what will come out ... and if I do less damage than the 4 b next week I should be in the second tab?!?

Agree with Salah

Honestly it suck for active players like me with average strength. I Got Purple crates for activity and its nothing to make more than 4b for me at week. But there Will be no rewards for me at all cos i cant compete with coass , Dido and rest od tanks. Its not fair that other multy players would get Mich better prizes for inactivity.

hibernation then burn, hibernation again then burn ....................next,...........
reduce traffic active player