Публикувано в Romania - Забавление - 23 Mar 2021 12:42 - 0
Ce nu aș schimba, niciodată, în realitate este sentimentul de libertate. Când te detașezi aproape de realitate, evenimentele nu pun stăpânire pe tine și poți zburda pe coclaurile tale fără ca nimeni să nu aibe habar de tine.
What I wouldn’t change in reality, it is the fre’s feel. When you distance yourself far away to the reality, the events can't control you and you walk on your fields without nobody knows about you.

enjoy the eRevollution2
What I wouldn’t change in reality, it is the fre’s feel. When you distance yourself far away to the reality, the events can't control you and you walk on your fields without nobody knows about you.

enjoy the eRevollution2
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