Публикувано в Germany - Забавление - 29 Jan 2021 02:21 - 17
As probably everyone of you know i was CP of Croatia for almost one year. When i come to Croatia i was having only 3 billion TP damage. The day i left Croatia my True Patriot damage was (245b dmg ):

So i hit about 242 billion dmg for Croatia. Many nights I didn't sleep,and I do everything in my power to save our bonuses. Ofc i was not alone in this battle,my goverments was helping me,and our players also. For example max who was my right hand and who even hit more from Croatia than me,than pasta,Legica,insomnia,dinko,nesta,Arkan,magnus,zenaija and new incomers like my good friend gmac.
Thanks to our goverment Crotia was having bonuses for more than 8 months. Every days someone was opening rw in our bonus regions,but we always defend that bonuses,even it was -50% reduce. Reason why we left everything is 2 persons. Every day for couple months they was spamming on our country wall,insulting everyone who don't support them. So only 2 accounts jerryzgb and eco.Ofc you all know that eco have another account zagor. In my previous articles i alredy write about them couple times,so almost everyone alredy know situation in Croatia. After CP elections I will become CP of Germany and everyone from Croatia will come to Germany,except ofc this people who have some real problems.
Croatia will be country with only 2 players and their multies,because every Croatian in this game is tired of them. They say they are patriots,but their patriotism kill their own country.
It was amazing time in Croatia,but we are tired of seeing spam every day on our country wall.
Now it's time for new Era,
It's time for Germany.
I just also wanna say big thank you to our brothers from Saudi Arabia and Serbia who will help us in this long battle. Also info for our ally countries: after president elections,please send mpp to Germany,and don't send it anymore to Croatia.
That will be all this time
Mit herzlichen grüßen,

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lopove gdje je 5000 golda što si pokrao , vrati 4 q5 firme

Asseco odgovor na pitanje ti se nalazi u nicku ovog igrača https://www.erev2.com/en/profile/602

Hahahah o7 brt

Running away from responsibility is a coward`s weapon
(This is a good proverb for Black Parrot`s article)



Tvoj dragi, Ajdemi Popushi

Hello Salah, I just wanted to say Hello from your new neighborhood in the South. Austria.
(There had been some issues in South America, so we left the continent)

ja jeste ko kakva djeca, uništili ste državu zbog gluposti i tvrdoglavosti
i samo ne kontam šta radi ovaj admin kad uzimate golde i cc iz državne kase

Hello Yhamilitz and welcome to Europe.
Slash Država je uništena zbog hirova asseca i jerrija i njihovog konstatnog spamanja na zidu. Dosta mi je više gledanja njihovih gluposti svako jutro na zidu države. Država se lagano izgradi,samo nek nema ovih baksuza u njoj 

Još uvek lažeš, Salah? Tako... tako ... trebaš to lagati samo što deblje.

Pero quiero chupar chela :p

Sasvim normalan dan na Balkanu

“Deutschland über Alles”

Thanks for the info, will stop operating in Cro market.