Публикувано в Japan - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 07 Nov 2020 10:41 - 15

First I want to express my gratitude that you believed in me again and chose me as your emperor. It is an honor and a pleasure for me to serve Japan!
In my election program, I promised to work for the economic welfare of Japanese players. After the increase of our bonuses in all sectors of the economy and the successful implementation of the project "Self-Defense" comes the turn of "from Japan to Japan". The idea of this program is to get your money back to you. Funds from the state treasury will be used to improve the economic condition of Japanese citizens. Based on the personal information from your profiles that you provided me, an analysis of the general economic situation in Japan has been prepared. The results are not good. Most of you are starving. This is a problem that makes you ineffective on the battlefield and reduces your activity in the game. To help more people, the Emperor, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education of Japan will make a gold donation to increase the effectiveness of "from Japan to Japan".

There are three steps to resolving the food crisis:
1. Those most in need of you will receive Food Companies q3 with a 50% discount in the price. This means that you can buy a q3 Food Company for only 50 gold.
2. Providing 35 gold as a loan to build Food Raw Materials. And here the return is 50%. This means that you take 35 gold and return only 17.5.
3. Providing cheap Food Packs. The Food Pack will cost 4 gold and will contain 10,000 energy. This means 2500 energy/1 gold. The funds are limited, so you will only be able to buy one Pack a day.

There are several logical requirements to apply for our support.
1. You must have been a Japanese citizen for at least 60 days.
2. You must be part of a Japanese Military Unit.
3. You must be part of a Japanese Political Party.
If you fulfill these terms and want to apply you just need to write a comment on what you need - Food Company, Food Raw Materials or both.
In two days, all applications will be processed. If it is impossible to satisfy everyone, only the most needy will
receive support.
We have always been united and helped each other as much as possible, so do not be ashamed and participate.
Together for a stronger Japan!

After processing your applications, the good news is that they have all been approved. Even more :)
Roger Winko will get one company q4 (Happy Birthday once again!).
Franky will get one company q3.
ELLI will get one company q3 and a loan for one Cattle Farm.
Hrvat will get loan for two Cattle Farm.
IHadesI will get one company q3 (funds remain and we will help).
BoikovMadovHailipiELLIFrankyKosingasAlexIITenebrisRikiMihaylovMihaylovFenabgKukata88Kukata88ELLIHailipiAlexIIKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasKosingasELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIELLIFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgFenabgELLIКоментари (15)




Hail Japan o7

Hail Japan o7

Hail Japan o7

Hail Japan o7

Great news! Japan above everything!

Need good company o7

want food company o7

Hail japan! o7

salve japón o7

I need company and raw materials for it. 💋

O7 Japan

Great news.
Hail Japan o7