Публикувано в Serbia - Забавление - 01 Oct 2020 04:56 - 122
Dear Players
Summer is behind us, we hope that you stay safe and relaxed as you could depending this real life situations which is upon us. In this article we will show you our plan for next period how to entertain you.
Missions are coming back again! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will start at game day 728 and it will last to game day 758(Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.
This event is long time ago presented and it wasn’t in game for long time. We did not added it before since we get bad review from you that you didn’t liked it a much . Event will start at game day 728 and it will last until game day 744(last day)
The event consists of: fighting for your country (True Patriot medal), fighting for your country’s allies (True Ally medal), and fighting in resistance wars (on the side of the resistance) (True Revolutionary medal).
Each type of fight comes in three stages: Bronze stage, Silver stage and Golden stage. After you complete a certain stage, you will receive one random prize from the list below. You can choose the order of completing (the pace for TP/TA/TR progress), but the order Bronze-Silver-Golden is obligatory for the each. Your progress will be saved for the next day
Bronze stage:
To complete the Bronze stage, you must have 500 hits with or without weapon for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR).
Silver stage:
To complete the Silver stage, you must have 1000 hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR). You can once again choose to fight with or without weapons.
Golden stage:
In order to complete the Golden stage, you must have 2000hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR).
NOTE: Once you fill out the complete board, you can reset it for free and start all over.
As you saw from Today (gameday 727) and it will last till Monday (gameday 731).You will be able to explore gold in gold mine. Every day you will be able to explore randomly from 1Gold to 5Gold.
Lot of players, mostly new one, asked about new discounts. We decided to give you discounts like we add last time. Discount will start at gameday 732 and it will last to gameday 737 so you will be able to upgrade your strategic center, buy from store etc…
For all players who comment and vote article today, they will receive small gift.
For any questions, problems ,suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official
channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance
schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Summer is behind us, we hope that you stay safe and relaxed as you could depending this real life situations which is upon us. In this article we will show you our plan for next period how to entertain you.

Missions are coming back again! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will start at game day 728 and it will last to game day 758(Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.

This event is long time ago presented and it wasn’t in game for long time. We did not added it before since we get bad review from you that you didn’t liked it a much . Event will start at game day 728 and it will last until game day 744(last day)
The event consists of: fighting for your country (True Patriot medal), fighting for your country’s allies (True Ally medal), and fighting in resistance wars (on the side of the resistance) (True Revolutionary medal).
Each type of fight comes in three stages: Bronze stage, Silver stage and Golden stage. After you complete a certain stage, you will receive one random prize from the list below. You can choose the order of completing (the pace for TP/TA/TR progress), but the order Bronze-Silver-Golden is obligatory for the each. Your progress will be saved for the next day
Bronze stage:
To complete the Bronze stage, you must have 500 hits with or without weapon for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR).
Silver stage:
To complete the Silver stage, you must have 1000 hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR). You can once again choose to fight with or without weapons.
Golden stage:
In order to complete the Golden stage, you must have 2000hits for any of the individual medal types (TP/TA/TR).
NOTE: Once you fill out the complete board, you can reset it for free and start all over.

As you saw from Today (gameday 727) and it will last till Monday (gameday 731).You will be able to explore gold in gold mine. Every day you will be able to explore randomly from 1Gold to 5Gold.

Lot of players, mostly new one, asked about new discounts. We decided to give you discounts like we add last time. Discount will start at gameday 732 and it will last to gameday 737 so you will be able to upgrade your strategic center, buy from store etc…
For all players who comment and vote article today, they will receive small gift.
For any questions, problems ,suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official
channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance
schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team
martinkoocielTheGodfatherAnt3Mr SMSegundacontaSoy BurroForever 26Wayne GretzkydinkokevBuldozerBuldozerBuldozerBuldozerBuldozerScreamerAmIABadClassAmIABadClassSegundacontaSegundacontaSegundacontaYumKimilGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusWayne GretzkyGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusSkid RowSkid RowHermersHermerspelmereradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradevGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusКоментари (122)

Same old, same old





Ctrl C
Ctrl V


We did not added it before since we get bad review from you that you didn’t liked it a much . , I dont understand , you like to add something we dont like or you think in meantime we change our opinion?


Wooooow, whole bunch of new stuff...



Same old missions...

Com o7



Im not passing missions this time


voted o/


Same methodology in the missions... less people in the game = more difficult to complete.


discount fo factories :



Finaly something new In the game.

don t make missions with use of (random) temporary items

0/ wii


Zigu bugu le




Missions again? good bye to my food stock


Nice, make all day gold mine! 

Well i need another land, so its ok

Ok.. Gift workers token

V 44



think about new things, always almost the same......




ok, tnx n.n

Lot of players, mostly NEW one, asked about new discounts. xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaa

Vote and comment for free gift


I don t like Act of War. Think of something new, please.

here comes again............

Missions series is very hard in ressource if you make it frequently with low players actives and food market satured :/


just for gift o/




V 44



Ο Πούτσος (427 π.Χ.–347 π.Χ.) ήταν αρχαίος Έλληνας ανθοπώλης από την Αθήνα, ο οποίος έγινε γνωστός και έμεινε στην ιστορία για την ομορφιά, την γοητεία και το ευγενές του χαρακτήρος του.
Παρόλο που υπήρξε φτωχός, ήταν ο πιο περιζήτητος γαμπρός της αρχαίας Αθήνας και όλοι πατεράδες προόριζαν τις ομορφότερες κόρες τους για τον Πούτσο. Εξού και η φράση: “Το κορίτσι αυτό είναι για τον Πούτσο”. Όσο μεγάλωνε ο Πούτσος, οι γυναίκες τον λάτρευαν ακόμα περισσότερο.
Όταν περπατούσε στο δρόμο, υπήρχαν ασυγκράτητες γυναίκες που τον φιλούσαν παντού, τον έγλυφαν, τον μύριζαν, τον χάιδευαν και τον έφτυναν. Όλες αυτές ήταν για τον Πούτσο. Πραγματικά ήταν αδύνατο να βγάλει κανείς τον Πούτσο από το μυαλό μιας γυναίκας. Κι απ’το 347 π.Χ που πέθανε κυκλοφορεί η φράση “Τον Πούτσο Κλαίγανε!!”

Poutsos (427 BC – 347 BC) was an ancient Greek florist from Athens, who became famous and went down in history for his beauty, charm and noble character.
Although he was poor, he was the most sought after groom in ancient Athens and all fathers intended their most beautiful daughters for Poutsos. Hence the phrase: This girl is for Poutsos. As Poutsos grew older, women adored him even more.
When he walked down the street, there were unrestrained women who kissed him everywhere, licked him, smelled him, caressed him and spat on him. All this was for Poutso. It was really impossible to get Pucco out of a woman s mind. And from 347 BC, when he died, the phrase Ton Poutso Klaigane !! has been circulating.







My vote goes to removal of missions which require us to start a RW or gain a RH medal. Also, a new rank is relatively achievable for players with lower amount of damage dealt, but for more experienced players, new ranks are quite often out of reach within the allotted time for mission completion.








I want gold mine everyday.. 😎

Genial 👍🏻

V/S o7






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vote and comment


voted ^^