Публикувано в Croatia - Забавление - 17 Sep 2020 05:50 - 13
It is this time of the year to choose your winners
Choose your winners here.
eRevollution2 best player of 2019/2020
eRevollution2 best military unit of 2019/2020
eRevollution2 best newspaper of 2019/2020
eRevollution2 best ally of 2019/2020(COUNTRY)
eRevollution2 spammer of 2019/2020
eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020
eRevollution2 best war of 2019/2020
YoshuaJose ArmandoJose ArmandoJose ArmandoJose ArmandoJose ArmandoGoguadzeRikiKosingascoasssscoassssszqlnyAdminRaGErPilsudczykWorldJusticeKlockoКоментари (13)

eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco

eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco

There is no limit of votes, I mean everybody can vote for multiple times so its not accurate. You need to change that.

Vote Kosingas, Vote NOW !!!

Join Japan, join now


eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco

eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco

eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco


eRevollution2 crier of 2019/2020 is asseco

come on where are the nice awards
biggest backstabber
biggest sellout
biggest ego
so many cool awards we can give around XD

I`d also add there biggest multi account owner .. aka Itso