Публикувано в Croatia - Забавление - 28 Aug 2020 04:38 - 10
As you know, in my last article, I published article about enemies of Croatia. One of them, also the biggest enemy of Croatia, is Asseco, who, in addition to his account, is the owner of the Zagor i okram90 account (which is currently in Serbia). There were recent elections for party presidents. Since Asseco or Zagor is a person who likes to live in the delusion that the world revolves around him and that he has the support of the people below I will show you that support.

Naravno ovi glasovi su sve njegovi multiji,pošto mi iz Hrvatske smo upoznati sa njegovim plakanjem starijim igračima da mu daju acc kako bi preuzeo priželjkivanu vlasti . Da li ste pitate zašto toliko on želi vlast? Zašto uporno širi laži o meni,plače stalno adminu i prijavljuje me? Razlog svemu tome je kako bi mogao nastaviti krasti. Ukrao je države foodare i očigledno mu je to malo. U nastavku ću vam pokazati dijelove svakodnevnog spamanja koje su odraz njegovog psihičkog stanja:
Of course, these votes are all his multis, since we from Croatia are familiar with his crying to older players to give him an acc in order to take over the desired power. Are you wondering why he wants power so much? Why does he persistently spread lies about me, constantly cry to the admin and report me? The reason for all this is how he could keep stealing. He stole food companies and apparently it was a little bit for him. Below I will show you the parts of his daily spam that reflect his mental state(i cant translate this because it's very rude,he insult other players with some stuff from RL) :

Ovim putem pozivam Admina da barem jedan od njegovih accova banuje jer očigledno mute ne djeluje na njega. Ovakva osoba nikada neće prestati da iznosi RL stvari u igru. Umjesto da uživamo u igri,zabavljamo se i odmaramo od stvarnog života primorani smo da svakodnevno gledamo ovakve gadosti na našem zidu.Nadamo se da će Admin biti korektan i riješiti ovaj problem.
I hereby ask Admin to ban at least one of his accounts (Zagor for example) because apparently mute does not work on him. A person like this will never stop bringing RL things into play.Instead of enjoying the game, having fun and taking a break from real life, we are forced to watch this kind of crap on our wall every day. We hope that the Admin will be correct and solve this problem.
MoD of Croatia
Коментари (10)

Aj, jedes govna ko i uvijek, mani se corava posla, pokvareniji si od najpokvarenijih tkd je malo paradolsalno da bas ti pises ovakav clanak i ukazujes na nesto. Ukazi na sebe, jedno veliko, labilno i podvojeno govno. Eto

Reče još jedan od izdajica svoga naroda

Nek dodje na vlast i odmah ce mu brisanje stici

I evo sto da covjek sad razumno napise na ovaj nelogican i nerazuman argument. Znaci stranac,neHrvat, musliman, BejHa-Mazlim ce odradjivati tko je od Hrvata izdao Hrvatsku... A NI SAM NIJE HRVAT. Nemas pravo na to, izadji iz filma koji vrtis u glavi

Mihovil bošnjo

salah - lažove ,,,, okani se Hrvatske , bježi u Bosnu i ne pametuj više, vidiš da ni virtualno u igrici nisi sposoban u svojoj državi igrati nego si je prodao za par golda... hahahaha pa ti nesmiješ nigdje se kandidirati jer ljudi znaju da si nesposoba... SALAH IS THIEF....

Nisam, perem se paradžematlijo.
Koja je razlika između BejHa-Baznian-mazlims i drugih muslimana?
Drugi barem imaju novac

Asseco ajde malo se nauči pisati pa se javi

