Публикувано в United Kingdom - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 11 Jun 2020 22:37 - 61
Hello everyone, we would like to present you with the latest news.

M-Unit tournament will start from 13.06 and it will last until 21.06 (Sunday is last day). Military Units will be locked from 13.06, while Military units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 26.06. While tournament is active we will add x2 energy refill.

Missions are coming back!!! Of course, they won’t be the same ones, but the main points are the same, so let’s start introducing them:
Missions will come in phases (3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
Adventure/Red When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
It will last from 13.06 and they will last until 12.07. Last week of missions we will unlock possibility to solve them with GOLD.

Lucky wheel will be available this at dates 13-14.06 and 20-21.06
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

M-Unit tournament will start from 13.06 and it will last until 21.06 (Sunday is last day). Military Units will be locked from 13.06, while Military units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 26.06. While tournament is active we will add x2 energy refill.

Missions will come in phases (3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
Adventure/Red When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
It will last from 13.06 and they will last until 12.07. Last week of missions we will unlock possibility to solve them with GOLD.

Lucky wheel will be available this at dates 13-14.06 and 20-21.06
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

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first comment, give me 10g

pole XD

Boring :S


same thing as always , hail SSF




:S nice work o7

it s alive!



lol copy paste mission since last year. Dead Admin = Dead Game

aku tuh lelah

Cambien el pergamino, por acta de nacimiento!!

Good 👍🏻



copy paste news ahahahahahahahahahahaha xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


more events
give strenght







Boring news 



MU event × 10


Finally admin news i7

I have déjà vu 🤔





I m pleasantly surprised! I congratulate the administration for its creativity and desire to develop the game. With people like Admin the game will never die!



very good .sincerely due to the fact that you missed a lot I thought you had covid

I will never forgive you my dices on last lucky dice event...

Y ahí viene otro evento de misiones....
Con el mismo torneo...

Gracias a dios


Sh*t news like always.

if you put again strength reward in the missions, that is gonna be my last days in that game ..... Admins, i don t like your missions - goodbye in advance!!!