Публикувано в Croatia - Забавление - 01 Apr 2020 03:42 - 13
On the closed telegram group was leaked that Admins are working on improving the game.
Leaked informations:
1. Support will work.
2. MU tournament reduced to being twice a year.
3. Quiz will tested before added to the game to avoid any bugs
4. Improve and add options for writing articles, i.e. justification, bullet points will work, etc.
5. Admins will care as much for a old player as for new one.
6. As in eRevollution, equipment such as armor and other will be added.
7. There will be added mounts that you can buy for gold, e.g. a horse and you will be able to travel across the continent for free, a dragon for only 200 Euro where you will be able to fly to all regions for free.
8. Because people wanted to sit longer due to quarantine, dungeons will be added.
9. And since last The Hunger Games event was successful next will be added where daily you will get 20 HB and you have 7% chances that you will get additional HB for making 10 hits so if you make 1000 hits you will get 2 additional HBs, simple math. There will be a country and players ranking who use most HB.
Leaked informations:
1. Support will work.
2. MU tournament reduced to being twice a year.
3. Quiz will tested before added to the game to avoid any bugs
4. Improve and add options for writing articles, i.e. justification, bullet points will work, etc.
5. Admins will care as much for a old player as for new one.
6. As in eRevollution, equipment such as armor and other will be added.
7. There will be added mounts that you can buy for gold, e.g. a horse and you will be able to travel across the continent for free, a dragon for only 200 Euro where you will be able to fly to all regions for free.
8. Because people wanted to sit longer due to quarantine, dungeons will be added.
9. And since last The Hunger Games event was successful next will be added where daily you will get 20 HB and you have 7% chances that you will get additional HB for making 10 hits so if you make 1000 hits you will get 2 additional HBs, simple math. There will be a country and players ranking who use most HB.
Major TomBulgarian warriorBulgarian warriorBulgarian warriorjedimindtrickkosek999JacQ stankOJacQ stankOEdgeMoonshadowjedimindtrickjedimindtrickWorldJusticeAdminViracochaKvii left game day671Коментари (13)

My Government will give me 100e and I will double it on roulette so I will be able to buy that Dragon. YES!


Barbie Horse Advantures!

Хвала Вучићу !

I bliv everthing is possible to happen except 5.


5th point is best
Good 1st april!

Sounds cool

shit equipments only pay

we need natural disasters as in real world, like c-virus decreasing weapon production in Italy regions or the Chilean parasite plague in Serbia 

Rosiel is right, maybe we should put ePeru in quarantine so no Puta can go outside :v

It is 1st of April....

These must be improvement rather then a joke