Публикувано в Bulgaria - Политически дебати и анализи - 30 Nov 2019 03:39 - 7
I want to pay attention to admin. I think it was a mistake to allow on Black Friday each player to have 31 land spaces, to have an equal number with those who worked hard to win tournaments and complete missions before. I do not have 31, I am far away from this number and I do not think it is fair, this way tournaments with a prize land is meaningless, as well as the completing of all missions... On this topic so much.
As for the game's development, if you want the game to have a future, you need to constantly develop the game in order to retain current players and attract new ones. Ever since I've been playing Erev1 and Erev2, there's only one time I've noticed that game doing babyboom, the easiest way is with ads on FaceBook, why don't you do it? The other thing I want to suggest is the introduction of a land mine, there will certainly be people who will not like the idea, but I think it is generally not bad. About the land mine. It will be possible for each player to make 1 and install it in a region that his country owns, whether original or just owns it. It will be from Q1 to Q5 (the damage will then be easily resolved) to give an example of 200k, 400k and Q5 - 1 million. When start resitance war or attack a region in which there are land mines, all mines are activated as damage in the battle, so everyone can put it in regions, a country can decide to put all mines in only 1 region, but so after the first attack will lose all the mines, can distribute them over time in different, this is their choice and strategy. Only the president and ministers have the right to see mines that are placed in regions and how many they are in every region. the enemy, however, in a real war, there is no way of knowing where the mines are placed. Generally thats is my idea.
The other thing I think is right to be done and would be good for the game and especially for battles. The strategy of winning a fight. Removing the option of seeing how many people are online in a country, from all contries. I suggest this option to be active only for Ministers and President. Thus, when A is at war with B, A will not know how many people are online from the enemy side. Also, ordinary players will not know how many people from their own country are online, only the Ministry will be able to see, and only for their own country.
As for the game's development, if you want the game to have a future, you need to constantly develop the game in order to retain current players and attract new ones. Ever since I've been playing Erev1 and Erev2, there's only one time I've noticed that game doing babyboom, the easiest way is with ads on FaceBook, why don't you do it? The other thing I want to suggest is the introduction of a land mine, there will certainly be people who will not like the idea, but I think it is generally not bad. About the land mine. It will be possible for each player to make 1 and install it in a region that his country owns, whether original or just owns it. It will be from Q1 to Q5 (the damage will then be easily resolved) to give an example of 200k, 400k and Q5 - 1 million. When start resitance war or attack a region in which there are land mines, all mines are activated as damage in the battle, so everyone can put it in regions, a country can decide to put all mines in only 1 region, but so after the first attack will lose all the mines, can distribute them over time in different, this is their choice and strategy. Only the president and ministers have the right to see mines that are placed in regions and how many they are in every region. the enemy, however, in a real war, there is no way of knowing where the mines are placed. Generally thats is my idea.
The other thing I think is right to be done and would be good for the game and especially for battles. The strategy of winning a fight. Removing the option of seeing how many people are online in a country, from all contries. I suggest this option to be active only for Ministers and President. Thus, when A is at war with B, A will not know how many people are online from the enemy side. Also, ordinary players will not know how many people from their own country are online, only the Ministry will be able to see, and only for their own country.
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Regarding to 3rd suggestion, it would not change anything. Either Ministers/CP would tell other people how many are online or we would get that information from our allies in another country
But I support the idea to change how battles work.We are just pushing for 24h just to have a rush at the last minutes.

I did not like last idea which includes seeing how many players are active but other ideas are great.Good luck


This idea about mines would give us a lot of multies. And about last one it may be good because new players wouldnt see that this game is dead.

also DS must have durability... this companys are useless in erev1... one system is 20-30 gold?! here is expensive for now, but because of wrm... if need come, producers will come too

This 31 land not good im buying every day raw if ill have more land i won need to buy and small players who selling raws going to bankrot more lands gives us more products and cheaper ofc. By this way visa will be much stronger it was good when all player and his buisness is depends on others activities now after this who get 31 land can produce more product and small players cannt buy for them because they will have monopoly...