Публикувано в Saudi Arabia - Военни анализи - 27 Nov 2019 23:55 - 40
Once we found out about the troubles SA's president has had in real life(a few minutes ago all of us were notified about the details and we discussed it over) we decided that Bulgaria will ceasefire and refrain from all military activity vs Saudi Arabia ,be it a direct battle,RW or MPP battle.We are not going to get into details what happened ,but above all we are all humans and there should be compion and understanding in such situations.Military activities will only be renewed once Saudi Arabia's CP contacts us and decides they are ready to renew gaming in Erev2.
PS. Iran joins the ceasefire as well.
Stay strong!
Once we found out about the troubles SA's president has had in real life(a few minutes ago all of us were notified about the details and we discussed it over) we decided that Bulgaria will ceasefire and refrain from all military activity vs Saudi Arabia ,be it a direct battle,RW or MPP battle.We are not going to get into details what happened ,but above all we are all humans and there should be compion and understanding in such situations.Military activities will only be renewed once Saudi Arabia's CP contacts us and decides they are ready to renew gaming in Erev2.
PS. Iran joins the ceasefire as well.
Stay strong!
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They will not value this. It`s the same president of SA whose profile says #BGnoCulture. The same president of SA who starts his day from calling Bulgarians gypsies (why is it bad after all?). It`s the same president who spreads hatred and autism beyond normally average level fro such games. No. He should not be supported. Such people are more than ingame counterparts. They`re inadequate human garbage, and sole understanding of sharing the world with someone like them brings indescribable suffering. Alas.

Respect to everyone

@Uladzimir In such moments we should forget about the past for a second.There have been way bigger rivalries in history than our petty feud and still compassion and class has been shown when it matters.Doesn t matter to me if they will value this or not,you don t kick someone when he is down.History will have to wait.

o7 Respect



OH before 30 min 🤔

@PolarB3ar, found out about the details of it all 20 mins ago when i first logged in,that s why it s specifically mentioned in the article a few minutes ago.

I am under impressed, respect o7

@PolarB3ar i`m sry for that i sleep more today... :/ They didnt know, my conversation with Shisharko was when i was in bed already and this was my first job for today, but as i said i sit down on pc too late... but now i think everything is ok 

@Uladzimir Leanidavich all of us are aware that what you say will probably be the case and will end up true. On the other hand all of us value dignity even if it turns out the one whos issues we decided to respect decides to continue with the shitstorm of hatred towards us.
Anyone all of us believe this is the right thing to do. Not to mention it is the only fair thing to do. Its a game after all, unfair games are not fun.


На тоя ли клякате ?!?!? Дето не спря да обижда тук и в РЖ България...нямам думи

Devour не знаеш ситуацията. Щом сме го решили, значи имаме сериозна причина! Още повече, този мир е временнен!

07 respect


И кой точно го е решил?
Обяснете и на другите да видим тая сериозна причина.....

We have serious respect to anyone to us. Yes, he is the biggest hater of us and we could wipe SA very easily now but we are humans and we respect everyone and everything! o7

Не клякаме, спираме огъня, докато харисхарко се върне в играта.

Няма ли вице през. Или просто да го сменят временно

nobody всички мултаци са у него. И да сменят президента, няма кой да им прави щетата.


No ceasefire, delete SA now!

@Boikov, @TheDankSavage at the same time your cause (if it is real, not a way to play good when things go wrong) is much respected by me personally.

До оня ден ни обвиняваха че ние сме мултаци, и как админа подпирал СА, ся нямало кой да им прави дмж щот оня играе със всички мултаци ...



Пичове, за тия дето твърдят, че не трябва да правим никакви примирия. Аргументите ви са напълно верни, но има едно нещо което ние можем, а останалите в тази игра, ВСИЧКИ ОСТАНАЛИ, не могат и това е да сме над нещата. Можем да си позволим да сме над нещата, можем да бъдем над нещата и можем да докажем на всички, че въобще не ни ебат елементарните им нападки, защото преди всичко СМЕ НАД НЕЩАТА.

