Публикувано в Turkey - Забавление - 15 Oct 2018 03:27 - 64

Today, when we upgrade TG from 1 to 2, we saw this picture...
Building upgrade on next level XXX will be available on day 20.
What's wrong about play game with TG2 for few weeks? if you want to keep game alive, if you want to keep players active in game, find different ways;like easy missions, events with less awards...
Nowadays; All of us need golds for Create MU, Create Party, Create Companies and raws ( if we're active in game, we dont have enough foods), starting Wars etc etc etc..
As a result of this reasons, you have to change the day for TG3...
King Regards..
About TG Upgrade
dazo26kostroProduzeni s toplim0toringoКоментари (64)

I suport this.. We dont need TG cheaper, or discountsetc... We just need it to be delayed..

I support this, please increase the gap in days for TG upgrade.

Good, i support that

I m agree





+1 o7

True, voted

Hope admins read this 🤷🏻♂️

If they listen to you, they will lost pay to win players, becouse they can pay that TC, u cant, becouse u are poor little fella, and he is handsome strong guy who knows what he wants, and it is to kick a** off you and your little poor friends on battlefield. Thats why, admins wont delay it , becouse they need to keep people that pays their servers and salarys happy, not to make u and your poor friends happy.
As soon as u understund u are here just to make rich guys happy while giving admins money for that feeling, its better for u my friend... Cheers 0/

@Produzeni: best comment ever

good point it will be imposible to eran gold , the only way is to buy gold with RL money and most of us dont agree to buy it .

How to lose players early in the game : being too greedy


if players leave because they dont have the hability to be top strenght as the rest of the visas they have the wrong mindset to play this type of games anyway 

if you wanna play a multi-player game for free, play board games. i dont give a shit if u know free multi-player games, u must understand that making a game and having it online have costs and they need to pay them selfs too. yeah, i probably wont be a gold buyer but im 100% agree with how they made this, at least u have SOME time to get gold before upgrades. they could simply have it ready on day 1 and then? understand that u work for food on the table and this probably is their work.

v+s 👍

ofc they can earn money from gold buyers, golds are not only for TG... Gold buyers will buy gold for companies, for EB... But now, game admins see all players as goldbuyer... without buying gold, have 70 golds on day 20 is IMPOSSIBLE, if you dont have multies...

Its seeping away the fun of the game, we won t be able to create companies or buy energy because we need to save gold for TG upgrade, and even then it wont be enough, also this voting in parties thing is another feature that takes away the fun of the game, we want to vote in people , the ones who give the game personality, not on a list of people in a party that is ordered by exp

No support, swipe that VISA boys 


The game is free, and for those who want to spend money is good (for the owners of the game) that have advantages over those who do not pay ... but dont be too ambitious guys ... without the Free players you would not have a game. Only 20 or 30 players is a death game.

I agree with you. They say that they made test and got result that you need 46 days to go to TClvl5. What a lie, treat us like cattle. They simply dont care... This admin team ruined first server, what do you think thet they will be better here??? Lol

I agree o7

Remember erev 1, it was tc 4 day 1

I agree

Just chose what do you want to be, warrior or menager 


I agree o7

Support... because i will give only 25 EUR here...


I am a Visa player and I don t mind the TG being delayed, they won t lose us on the contrary. I prefer to set up the economy rather than throwing gold into a TG.
I support this.


Agree o7

I totally agree!
@Admins listen to the people or this wont even start!

typical pay to win game...again


romy is right

Support o/





Ovaj i ovde place, pa gori si od djurdjije covece.



Nastavlja se romyevo plakanje i na ovom serveru, cry romy cry

No Romy, they do not have to and they will not. They are going to grab as much money from us as we allow.


delay TG3 we dont have money!!!


Support o7


I enjoy to see visa players have some adventagse in game. They pays money and thats their right 😂

response: Best Admins Ever: https://www.erev2.com/en/article/585

Agreed, 10 days for 70 gold is unreal.

s 307 + v 216 👍 ¡v4v! ¿s4s? Send Sub and Vote number, Thx! https://www.erev2.com/es/article/1872