Публикувано в United States of America - Забавление - 01 Oct 2019 00:50 - 29
Dear All,
There is almost a year behind us :). Time ped fast for Administration Team, we did a lot of work to keep you busy with all events and missions. We came up with a lot of new things, we heard your thoughts and some of them are implemented in game. What we saw in past year in erev ? There were some good and some bad things, and we are honestly sorry for all bugs which were made in game from Admin side. We hope that we fixed it and gave you a nice reward in exchange for every bug we have made. In the past year we saw a lot of your fights between a lot of countries, we can just mention USA, Brazil, Bulgaria, Serbia, Peru as big nations and empires who fought a big wars. We can see Brazilian empire falling down and rising of French kingdom. I hope that you will have a lot of fun in next year and that you will stay with us. We can promise you a lot of events which you didn’t see before and we will be here for you, for all your questions, all your proposals and game reviews.
We will give you some free rewards in period of 06.10 and 07.10, you will have 10 rewards which you can claim every 150 minutes.
NOTE:There is total amount of 10 rewards, so you can claim it all in 2 days, you don’t have to bee online 0/24.
War of Nations
War of Nations tournament will be active from 07.10 to 27.10 (last day). Tournament involve all countries, so everyone can participate and gain points. We will just give you some short notes how does this event work:
Countries will receive points based on their activity in the battlefield, and they will be given like this:
1 point - won a direct battle
2 points - a country liberates its region through Resistance War
-1 point - lost region through Resistance War
NOTE: in direct battles, 1 point is given only if the attacker wins it. If the defender wins it, no points are awarded.
The country that collects the most points in the end will receive a reward shown in the table below. In addition, all players who make more than 2000 hits during the tournament will receive a prize in Country section (First 10 Countries have rewards for all players in it)
Besides the top countries list, there will be a category for Top10 international players with most overall hits, and top 3 players will receive a new medal on their profile, we will also prize all players who make 4000 hits in event period.
NOTE:Citizenship change is disabled and it will be disabled until the end of the tournament.
Changing of resources
As we announced in our last Admin news we have changed game resource map, and we decreased number of RARE1 from 4 to 3 and RARE2 from 10 to 8 resources. Map with new resources will be in game from Monday 07.10, same day like War of Nations.
Like in past article, we will show you the current locations of 2 rarest resources for each section, so you can compare it later with new map. We used the same system of redistributing resources like before
NOTE: We did not favor any country, and we tried to make it as hard as we can to gain 3x 100% resources
X2 energy and XP
From 05.10 to 13.10 you will have X2 energy and in that same period you will gain x2 Experience in battle. I hope that you will use it wisely.
Store and Discount
From 06.10 to 13.10 you will be able to buy pack for 9,90€ which is little bit boosted than previous ones.
During the same time period you will have discount like before so you can upgrade your facilities, and in store you will receive boosters for buying Gold or Energy Packs .
NOTE: Please beware that in that pack you will able to buy land place, but only in the first 2 purchased packs, after that rewards will be changed. So when you buy it for the 1st and 2nd time you will have one type of prizes, and if you want to buy it 3 or more times you will have different rewards afterwards.
Hospital and Missile
From 06.10 we are changing value of regenerated energy by Hospital, and damage dealt by Missile.
Value of Missiles will be changed again when hit with q6 weapon will deal more damage than missile. Value of Hospital will remain permanent and we won’t change it.
Plans and Ideas
We are planning to make a system of temporary rewards which you will gain and be able to spend on the same day, but for more of that you will have to wait next Admin article so we can show it to you.
We had some ideas on our mind how to help “small” countries and we are willing to listen to your ideas on that matter, first of our plan is to place CD on changing citizenship on 30 days (once per month) and to place tax if you want to join country with 100% resources, for example. If some country have 3x100% bonus you will have to pay 75 Gold which would go out from game if President accepts your citizenship. These two proposals would be the first step of helping small countries, later we would do some other steps in the matter of helping them to be competitive in game.
We are still working on new Military Unit game play and we will be forced to reduce member of players in military unit so you can have some fun in it and it won’t be farming game play. In that game-play we thought to bring you some group boosters or something similar to it.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
There is almost a year behind us :). Time ped fast for Administration Team, we did a lot of work to keep you busy with all events and missions. We came up with a lot of new things, we heard your thoughts and some of them are implemented in game. What we saw in past year in erev ? There were some good and some bad things, and we are honestly sorry for all bugs which were made in game from Admin side. We hope that we fixed it and gave you a nice reward in exchange for every bug we have made. In the past year we saw a lot of your fights between a lot of countries, we can just mention USA, Brazil, Bulgaria, Serbia, Peru as big nations and empires who fought a big wars. We can see Brazilian empire falling down and rising of French kingdom. I hope that you will have a lot of fun in next year and that you will stay with us. We can promise you a lot of events which you didn’t see before and we will be here for you, for all your questions, all your proposals and game reviews.

We will give you some free rewards in period of 06.10 and 07.10, you will have 10 rewards which you can claim every 150 minutes.
NOTE:There is total amount of 10 rewards, so you can claim it all in 2 days, you don’t have to bee online 0/24.
War of Nations

War of Nations tournament will be active from 07.10 to 27.10 (last day). Tournament involve all countries, so everyone can participate and gain points. We will just give you some short notes how does this event work:
Countries will receive points based on their activity in the battlefield, and they will be given like this:
1 point - won a direct battle
2 points - a country liberates its region through Resistance War
-1 point - lost region through Resistance War
NOTE: in direct battles, 1 point is given only if the attacker wins it. If the defender wins it, no points are awarded.
The country that collects the most points in the end will receive a reward shown in the table below. In addition, all players who make more than 2000 hits during the tournament will receive a prize in Country section (First 10 Countries have rewards for all players in it)
Besides the top countries list, there will be a category for Top10 international players with most overall hits, and top 3 players will receive a new medal on their profile, we will also prize all players who make 4000 hits in event period.

NOTE:Citizenship change is disabled and it will be disabled until the end of the tournament.
As we announced in our last Admin news we have changed game resource map, and we decreased number of RARE1 from 4 to 3 and RARE2 from 10 to 8 resources. Map with new resources will be in game from Monday 07.10, same day like War of Nations.

NOTE: We did not favor any country, and we tried to make it as hard as we can to gain 3x 100% resources

From 05.10 to 13.10 you will have X2 energy and in that same period you will gain x2 Experience in battle. I hope that you will use it wisely.

From 06.10 to 13.10 you will be able to buy pack for 9,90€ which is little bit boosted than previous ones.
During the same time period you will have discount like before so you can upgrade your facilities, and in store you will receive boosters for buying Gold or Energy Packs .
NOTE: Please beware that in that pack you will able to buy land place, but only in the first 2 purchased packs, after that rewards will be changed. So when you buy it for the 1st and 2nd time you will have one type of prizes, and if you want to buy it 3 or more times you will have different rewards afterwards.
From 06.10 we are changing value of regenerated energy by Hospital, and damage dealt by Missile.

Value of Missiles will be changed again when hit with q6 weapon will deal more damage than missile. Value of Hospital will remain permanent and we won’t change it.
We are planning to make a system of temporary rewards which you will gain and be able to spend on the same day, but for more of that you will have to wait next Admin article so we can show it to you.
We had some ideas on our mind how to help “small” countries and we are willing to listen to your ideas on that matter, first of our plan is to place CD on changing citizenship on 30 days (once per month) and to place tax if you want to join country with 100% resources, for example. If some country have 3x100% bonus you will have to pay 75 Gold which would go out from game if President accepts your citizenship. These two proposals would be the first step of helping small countries, later we would do some other steps in the matter of helping them to be competitive in game.
We are still working on new Military Unit game play and we will be forced to reduce member of players in military unit so you can have some fun in it and it won’t be farming game play. In that game-play we thought to bring you some group boosters or something similar to it.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

The Dark KnightJamesdelaneyAeonFluXUrushiharaArkantosDesteroidClark KentjuanekRCDE23MURATNadjaIIHunger BirdHunger BirdHunger BirdHunger BirdHunger BirdHunger BirdLamiaKuramaKuramaKuramaKuramaKuramapelmerJarontorrentePomidorMR insaneSaferSaferSaferSaferSaferSaferEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloBlkfyreIberoamericanoroat 1KiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroKiroBlobdudeKillemachineSegundacontaDanielGOINКоментари (29)




Hi, about helping small countries you can implement some kind of WALL system where there will be a penalty if you attack a country with few regions (for example 10% penalty if a country has less than 10 regions, 25% for less than 5 regions and 50% for the last region). I think that a really fair system will be if every country will have the same number of regions.

http://prntscr.com/pd8rl5 @Admin Don`t take the 75 gold out of game, but instead take it from the one that moves and put into the country treasury that he moves from
(this way you help a small country that looses its citizens with 75 gold for each that runs away)


intererting, many changes

thanks admin



Very excellent

Samo Tovari ❤


@gradantim ferociter I m with you on this idea.I think small countries would really benefit from it and it would make bigger countries try harder to get more regions and not jut place DO and automatically win.

o7 good news

Alguien puede hacerlo en español



Admin good job. U see, I write comment from time to time


As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
When they don t delete your ticket without saying a word.

A suggestion for small countries can be to allow them buy with national gold or cc, temporal productivity boosters, for one kind product, house q1, weapons q1, q2... etc. I really think productivity is what can save small countries.

the 75 gold tax isn t a good idea!