Публикувано в Greece - Забавление - 22 Jun 2019 04:16 - 49
Dear players,
this issue of Admin article contains announcements for the upcoming period, and summer projects dedicated mostly to attracting new players in the game.
Starter Pack
We hereby present Starter Pack. It will be available to everyone for purchase, although it won't be attractive for older players; however, they can give it to a younger player as a gift if they wish to, hence the availability. The Pack will cost 9,90€, and it will contain:
+ difference until 50% of maximum strength at the moment of purchase (for example, if today's maximum strength is 6340, your strength must be below 3170 str in order to be able to receive strength points; in this case you would receive the difference between your strength until max of 3170str; if your strength is over 3170 points, you wouldn't receive any strength)
+ 2000 Storage space
+ 200 q5 food
+ 15 Energy bars
+ 15 gold
+ 20 work tokens.
Starter pack icon will be visible to everyone for 7 days on the main page, and afterwards it will be visible only to players below 500 strength. However, everyone will still have access to it through Store.
"New Disciples" event
A new event will take place and it will be called "New Disciples". Its goal is to attract new players, for which their referrer will earn correspondent gems. It will function in a way that once new player reaches :
-lvl 20 you will receive 1 gem
-lvl 30 you will receive 3 gems
-lvl 50 you will receive 5 gems.
Gems you collect can later be exchanged for prizes in the Store under new Disciples tab. There will be 3 different prize chests available for exchange. The initial plan is that the event start from Monday 24. June and last until September 1st, but if it turns out to be good with positive feedback from players, we can consider to prolongate it, maybe with some changes we make along the way.
Discount for Training center, Strategic buildings and Store items will be active from June 24th until June 28th.
Summer Dice
Summer Dice is Lucky Dice type of event, but refreshed a little bit looking in summer mood. The event will be active from July 15th until August 4th. The rewards will be seen on board, every day at day change you will receive 2 dice, with 1 extra dice for every 200 weapons spent in battles. After you collect all the rewards from 1 board, it will reset. Also, during this period you will get free dice in Store when you buy gold packs.
Important changes in game
We implemented some new changes we believe you will find important, which are listed below:
A little bit about the rules and abuse of multis.
We kindly ask the players to read the Rules (found on https://www.erev2.com/en/rules page), and not violate them. The most often abused rule is the one for multis and their exploit. Since some of the violators got caught and thought their punishment is too strong, we would like all of you to know a little bit about it.
If a player is caught having multis boosting his account, the main account will be banned for 24 hours, and all of the multi accounts permanently. On top of that, they will receive a punishment in form of deleting their gold amount, deleting companies and/or training centers in amounts:
1st offense: profit removal + 30% penalty;
2nd offense: profit removal + 50% penalty;
3rd offense: profit removal + 100% penalty;
4th offense: permanent ban.
Also (since some players resort to it), if at any stage the penalty isn't possible to remove at that point (too small amount or similar), the main will be permanently banned as well no matter which time offense it is.
In the last few days several Country Presidents received warning messages and had gold removed from their treasuries because the gold was donated from bot accounts. We will no longer punish this solely by banning bot accounts but the people who made them as well, even though they personally didn't profit from it.
All players who will consider making multi accounts for New Disciples event and corresponding gems will receive 36 hour ban + other punishments mentioned above. The goal of the event is to support those who make effort to bring new actual players in the game, so with a bigger amount of players the game is more fun to everyone.
We still support and help all players who want and are trying to organize baby booms in their native language since we believe it is the most efficient way of attracting new players.
And please, since it is also a FAQ, if we list for example that an event lasts from date X until date Y, date Y is considered to be the last day for it (day Y, 23:59 ingame time).
That is all we have in store for you this time, feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
this issue of Admin article contains announcements for the upcoming period, and summer projects dedicated mostly to attracting new players in the game.

We hereby present Starter Pack. It will be available to everyone for purchase, although it won't be attractive for older players; however, they can give it to a younger player as a gift if they wish to, hence the availability. The Pack will cost 9,90€, and it will contain:
+ difference until 50% of maximum strength at the moment of purchase (for example, if today's maximum strength is 6340, your strength must be below 3170 str in order to be able to receive strength points; in this case you would receive the difference between your strength until max of 3170str; if your strength is over 3170 points, you wouldn't receive any strength)
+ 2000 Storage space
+ 200 q5 food
+ 15 Energy bars
+ 15 gold
+ 20 work tokens.
Starter pack icon will be visible to everyone for 7 days on the main page, and afterwards it will be visible only to players below 500 strength. However, everyone will still have access to it through Store.

A new event will take place and it will be called "New Disciples". Its goal is to attract new players, for which their referrer will earn correspondent gems. It will function in a way that once new player reaches :
-lvl 20 you will receive 1 gem
-lvl 30 you will receive 3 gems
-lvl 50 you will receive 5 gems.
Gems you collect can later be exchanged for prizes in the Store under new Disciples tab. There will be 3 different prize chests available for exchange. The initial plan is that the event start from Monday 24. June and last until September 1st, but if it turns out to be good with positive feedback from players, we can consider to prolongate it, maybe with some changes we make along the way.

We implemented some new changes we believe you will find important, which are listed below:
- Requirements for donation of gold or currency to Country treasury is player level 25 and q3 training center;
Players level 27 and above can vote in elections;
Minimum value of contract from now is 1 gold;
From 01.07 you will be able to p missions with gold
- Rewards returnees receive for coming back to the game are changed and all players who return in game after 20 or more days will receive next prizes:
+ 200 strength
+ 100q5 food
+ Q3 house
+ 50 Energy Bars
+ 100 RPG
+ 1 q3 booster
We lifted the bar for receiving bonus strength from 4000 to 5500 strength points.
We kindly ask the players to read the Rules (found on https://www.erev2.com/en/rules page), and not violate them. The most often abused rule is the one for multis and their exploit. Since some of the violators got caught and thought their punishment is too strong, we would like all of you to know a little bit about it.
If a player is caught having multis boosting his account, the main account will be banned for 24 hours, and all of the multi accounts permanently. On top of that, they will receive a punishment in form of deleting their gold amount, deleting companies and/or training centers in amounts:
1st offense: profit removal + 30% penalty;
2nd offense: profit removal + 50% penalty;
3rd offense: profit removal + 100% penalty;
4th offense: permanent ban.
Also (since some players resort to it), if at any stage the penalty isn't possible to remove at that point (too small amount or similar), the main will be permanently banned as well no matter which time offense it is.
In the last few days several Country Presidents received warning messages and had gold removed from their treasuries because the gold was donated from bot accounts. We will no longer punish this solely by banning bot accounts but the people who made them as well, even though they personally didn't profit from it.
All players who will consider making multi accounts for New Disciples event and corresponding gems will receive 36 hour ban + other punishments mentioned above. The goal of the event is to support those who make effort to bring new actual players in the game, so with a bigger amount of players the game is more fun to everyone.
We still support and help all players who want and are trying to organize baby booms in their native language since we believe it is the most efficient way of attracting new players.
And please, since it is also a FAQ, if we list for example that an event lasts from date X until date Y, date Y is considered to be the last day for it (day Y, 23:59 ingame time).
That is all we have in store for you this time, feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

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ilk yorum benden pirinc salın o7


Badest news I have ever read.

hail jager!


Contract 1g? LoL

@Deamkiller1524 Minimal value is 1g, cant send 0.01g with contract but still sending contract cost 0.2g

Remove minimum value of contract!!!

We want discount on companies

Ok after you make changes in contracts of minimum 1 gold, next time dont put contract missions.

The change is boring, Good bay Game


Interesting it sounds. About the contract .... you mean the contract cost or the price i add ?

What about do some work on the core of the game ? and the disciple thing will be another fail i think

Good news in general. You may consider better rewards for gems. The prize for lvl 20 should be much better and the rest for lvl 30 and 50 changed accordingly to it.
Minimum value of contract from now is 1 gold this is too high, especially with missions with lots of contracts. Almost noone use contracts unless forced by missions. Also taking 1 gold for lvling up after lvl 20 is silly, 30+40+ etc should award different numbers of +gold - Imo this is something you were supposed to change much earlier.

Minimum value of contract from now is 1 gold; That is an unfortunate decision, will make contracts obsolete and enforce black market instead. 1g per contract has absolutely no sense. Neither 0.2 had actually. Players must get benefits using contracts not get punished when they do.

To attract player you must be easier make gold.
This time all new feat is bad news 

Не е лйесно а си проссс и само да цокаш парицкииии

F***kking j**den!

Rien de nouveau cette MAJ est totalement ÉCLATÉE. Nothing new those news are so bad. As a web developer I can assure all players that you never work, you had time to make awesome update but nothing.. Wake up and moove your ass.



x2 week pleaseeeeeee

Admin said ,guys we need much money 

I didn t read LOL

being 30lvl will require min 90+days , so no thanks.. no need to attract new players..

no medal, no gold, no newbie

U noobs minimum value of contract doesnt mean u will pay 1g fee that means u can put minimal price 1g and that is rly ok u will pay 0.2g fee not 1g

Qu est ce qu on s emmerde

Badest news I have ever read.

They took contracts idea from esim and turned one great idea into useless crap 


Awful 😖😖😖

I Like this...



Events is good except one, Controling this kind of multies seems hard
Actually new players needs attractive suggestions not only advertising by link or something.

Event that requires weapons?
Cut the rewards or make weapon hits count for 2-3 times normal value, otherwise its crap.

Contracts should be free of charge

Well... Another doomed game...

Minimum value for contract 1g (instead of 0.01g we were able to place by now) is a punishment. And 0.2g for the party who pays that is as well. Hope there will be no contract missions from now on.

need to release new training centers

Contracts should be free of charge. x100, for both parties

Que bonito xfin castigaran a kirito multero.