Публикувано в Romania - Забавление - 13 Oct 2018 01:29 - 15
"Locul cel mai potrivit este acela în care nu te mai întrebi cât e ceasul."
"The most appropriate place is where you no longer ask what time it is."
These photos were taken near the Turkish city of Konya, where the groundwater eroded the soil and caused a dip. From the air, this picture looks especially impressive.
This playground has a sign so hearing and deaf kids can play together.
“It’s hard. It’s worth it”
“You are who you choose to be”
An important reminder
This optical illusion makes drivers slow down for crosswalks.
Roberto Casarotto, 51, from Trento, Italy, was inspired by his son’s achievements in weightlifting and decided to join him. Now, both father and son boast pretty impressive bodies and even some competitive results.
A machine that folds your laundry
This Iranian hero saved a girl from a fire by giving her his oxygen mask. His brain died but his organs saved 4 more lives.
Children making a boy who lost all his limbs due to meningitis feel comfortable at school
If you still don’t believe the world is a good place, here’s a basket of pure love and awesomeness!
Brugge, Belgium
A tunnel in Japan
“My shoes photographed without flash and then again with flash.”
Cristiano Ronaldo loves soccer more than anything and is ready to play soccer even without getting paid for it. After Real Madrid won the Champions League, he gave away his whole salary to charity. That was, by the way, more than half a million euros.
“If I Had A Super Power, It Would Be To Fly. I Would Tell Other Children From Around The World To Come And Play With Me And My Sisters, And To Drink Tea Together!” – Mohamad, A Syrian Refugee In Lebanon
Cam pe aici se sfârșește și acest episod al pozuțelor de vineri… recunosc, lucrez de zile bune la el, dar abia azi am avut posibilitatea de a-l scoate la lumină :D sper să reușesc și de această dată să aduc un zâmbet pe fețele voastre! Nu-mi rămâne decât: să vă doresc un sfârșit de săptămână liniștit cu bucurii alături de cei ce vă fac zilele mai frumoase! Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre… și nu uitați să zâmbiți!
That's what it was all about today, I've come to the end of the episode to the Funny Friday Pics, I admit, I've been working for days, but only today I've had the opportunity to bring it to light. :D I hope I will to make a smile on your faces! All I have to do is to wish you a quiet weekend with joy together with those who make your beautiful days! Take care of your souls ... and do not forget to smile!
BattleHeroGaladraelDadyDreddanBATRANUL99VirtualabisdevisVirtualabisdevisGaladraelGaladraelGaladraelZacelbovrajealavrajealaКоментари (15)

Super, ma bucur sa te avem si aici 

Playground for deaf kids wonderful idea


Foarte Frumoase!
Felicitari pentru munca depusa!

👏 Frumos! Felicitări!🙂

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