Публикувано в United States of America - Забавление - 02 Jun 2019 11:52 - 16

Greetings citizens of the USA,
As we mentioned in our first article today is first issue of USA Government weekly report to their citizens so lets start.

1) First I would like to ask if this is your first time at this position or you are familiar with it ?
- No this is not my first time. I have been CP and MoFA of Taiwan in the old server and this one.
2) Then I would like you to write me few short sentences about how this Ministry works and what is the main goal of your team.
- The MoFA, deals with foreign affairs, basically you just always stays on discord and keep talking to people around the globe.The main goal of USA is the get strong allies; to maintain a healthy, stable and enjoyable environment for her citizens.
3) Can you tell me what have you done in the previous week of your term, and plans or your views about what can be done in the next week.
- The previous week was one of the biggest event the game ever had. We ve been working with many different governments to coordinate, buying and giving favors to others to climb up the rank and enjoy the game. Because I am living in different timezone, my work here mainly is to handle all foreign matters that comes up when others were sleeping. In the next week we will work closer with our new allies and alliance, try to bring up new challenges and fun for the eWorld.
4) Do you have good relations with other Ministries in our Country?
- Umm yes I would say all Ministries have good relations with each other.
5) And for the end, is this hard one? Does it take a lot of time and would you like to see some new faces to help and teach about the job ?
- Its not that hard actually, there are lots of people here helping me.Its more fun than hard work when working in the eUSA government.

1) First I would like to ask if this is your first time at this position or you are familiar with it ?
- No this is not my first time being PM i have been in every position a government can have throughout the last 10 years that i have been playing this kind of games.
2) Then I would like you to write me few short sentences about how this Ministry works and what is the main goal of your team.
- The PM positions doesnt have something specific one has to do except accepting cs but as we work it in USA all people in the government take part in the decision making so i help there either it is MoD related or MoE.
3) Can you tell me what have you done in the previous week of your term, and plans or your views about what can be done in the next week.
- Well every week is the same nothing is really different last week i couldnt accept any cs cause we had tournament so my main focus was on the decision making about how USA will move and next week will be the same pretty much.
4) Do you have good relations with other Ministries in our Country?
- We are team,a team that has been made through years of playing with each other together or on enemies sides so yeah my relations are great with everyone and we understand each other perfectly.
5) What about next term, Elections are near and are you up for another month at the same position ?
- What term is doesnt matter nor if i am in the position i am right now or another the team at the decision making will always be the same no matter who is in the politics in game page.
6) And for the end, is this hard one? Does it take a lot of time and would you like to see some new faces to help and teach about the job ?
- As we do it now its not hard cause we are experienced enough not to struggle with small stuff.New ppl are always welcome no need to be nuclear physic to play this game if you have time and appetite for work your always welcome.

1) First I would like to ask if this is your first time at this position or you are familiar with it ?
- This isn’t my first time as governor. I have been few times long ago in old er€publik times and in ed0minations Germany for most of the time we spent there as jagers. I would say as I am fairly familiar with the position and is at the moment the most I can do to help USA.
2) Then I would like you to write me few short sentences about how this Ministry works and what is the main goal of your team.
- With 3rd answer I will go trought my 2nd and answer it at once.
3) Can you tell me what have you done in the previous week of your term, and plans or your views about what can be done in the next week.
- In last 14 days I bought huge amounts of weapons for the free supply we offer as Panzer/USA, tax returning for allies working as manager and company upgrades. Besides taking care of monetary market which was stabilized 2 weeks ago after we had had enormous influx of immigrants from Brazil. With lation growth we faced a challenge of keeping stable mm but it stabilized naturally after a week or so. There are other things you need to errand like supplying cc to state producers of weapons and of course keeping the accounts nice and tidy.
4) Do you have good relations with other Ministries in our Country?
- I have no problems with anyone whatsoever, except Kaveh who is always trying to get cheap state loans.
5) What about next term, Elections are near and are you up for another month at the same position ?
- If new CP sees me in team sure I would continue.
6) And for the end, is this hard one? Does it take a lot of time and would you like to see some new faces to help and teach about the job ?
- The job itself isn’t really hard. It takes certain kind of commitment to watch monetary market regularly and to be online and active to send needed money around ministries. There is always to have someone who you can rely to take care of daily tasks if you get busy.

1) First I would like to ask if this is your first time at this position or you are familiar with it ?
- All these years on erev 1 and erev 2, i was commander of Order From Chaos. It was one of the most successful MUs in these type of games, so im familiar with the military part of the game and i have big experience on organizing squads ,so about the organization of our citizens,you have nothing to worry about :D
About the defence and strategic plans of the country, i have experience in my term in Brazil's gov during ww2. Also from erev 1 when i was leading Switzerland. USA has a great team so im not alone in these tasks, we have the best people in the game working for our gov in every part (military,economic).
2) Then I would like you to write me few short sentences about how this Ministry works and what is the main goal of your team.
- Our ministry is focusing to keep the 3x100 bonuses in our country. Also our goal is to keep our #1 spot as most organized country/mu in the game. Additionally , our role in alliance is important, as strongest country of the game everyone expect us to have crucial role in alliance's campaigns and thats something our ministry will work to succeed
3) Can you tell me what have you done in the previous week of your term, and plans or your views about what can be done in the next week.
- Last past weeks in the game were slow, the only crucial task we had was to secure our bonuses, but thats something we achieved without much effort...In the last week , most countries were working on the tournament, so our ministry had as priority to make a plan about securing one of the top spots in it.
We decided to secure our second place, and help allies at the same time. We managed to help Romania in their campaign vs Hungary, and we wiped them successfully!
I cant talk for the next week,since our alliance recently created, and we are still working on our strategic plans. So i will say it once again,our main priority will be to keep our 3x100.
4) Do you have good relations with other Ministries in our Country?
- My relations with the rest ministers are great, thats also the reason i joined USA,since i knew most of them. We were enemies for months but we respected each other and we are all looking forward to work together and make USA even bigger and stronger!
5) And for the end, is this hard one? Does it take a lot of time and would you like to see some new faces to help and teach about the job ?
- I will be honest, im a person who wants to work alone , and when i need help or advices, i do it with certain people. Thats how i always work, maybe its bad, maybe its good. Who knows?

1) Can you compare Bra and USA as you have seen them both from a very close point of view?
- Both countries are strong and organized. I had a great journey in Brazil, they are real fighters and great people. USA has a great team , by far the most experienced on these kind of games, and im very excited to work with them.I dont want to compare them, i want to praise them both o7
2) In a very short period of time, you became the member of the Government of the USA despite the fact that you were once enemy with the players here, what do you think about that ?
- Its just a game, none is real enemy here... With most of these people we played together in the past, so we know each other, and as i said earlier we respect each other. I am a person who is working hard and my squad is always priority for me. So they saw something good in my work i guess. Im thankful for the trust and i hope i fulfill their expectations.
3) What do you think about USA, its organizations, Military Unit you are part of now and people who live here?
- Its a great community, with people from several countries. A lot active soldiers who are always ready to fight. We have a great team and we are ready to conquer the world.
I must say that it is a very sad that this is the short one, because of the very interesting situation and a lot of questions and topics we can open here. But for now that's all and I hope in the near future maybe we could go for a bigger one.
PR of the USA:
Willy Wonka

1) Its almost end of your term so our readers would like to know how past month looks in eyes of our President?
- It was a month that rolled quite silently until the first half, the world was hibernated while NOVA alliance was dominating. USA kept on getting more people as we usually do, and a large part of former OFC joined our country after the disband of the merc MU. Interesting things started to happen after the second half, while admins launched the countries' tournament. While at start it seemed to be somehow a prefixed one, with many agreements instead of real war, a specific move from an ally against another ally in NOVA, triggered a spate of developments. USA announced that as soon as tournament is over we depart alliance, and NOVA was technically over by that time. After that followed the creation of SMP alliance. USA this month, achieved to maintain 3x100 bonuses, expand economically, get stronger military, support it's citizens in various ways and become a country amongst the top of our world. Recapping, I am pleased on how things rolled this month. Could have been better? Of course. The enemy of good is always the better.
2) Which goals you achieved for USA in past month and is there something that you didnt make it ?
- Technically, the duty was to maintain the vested achievements of previous month and expand the influence of our country. We already had acquired a fool bonus set since bonus reshuffle by admins previous month. Goal was to keep it. We had a strong community based on Pz, OFC, native US citizens and immigrants around the world. When you gather up so many different oriented people and groups, the goal is only one: make them a team. And we were successful in this. Pz MU helped max in this, as people unite especially when they fight together, when they operate together. And of course when they know that country is on their side whatever might happen. There surely was things that could have been done, like helping more, the loyal US citizens upgrade their TGs or RCs with non-interest loans like we did on discount periods. We didn't make enough there but this will change. We will focus on our people more, even in the middle of a world war.
3) Will you candidate for next month as well?
- Yes. After that i do not know when again. 3 months in a row, is quite an achievement, running a country like USA. Of course, i did the less work there. Credits should go to the magnificent USA council, my government, that without them nothing could have happened.
4) Almost whole USA council served under me in other game, are you scared that one day you will be replaced as dictator by me ?
- I am the law.
5) Tell us few words about newest alliance in which USA took the part.
- The talks about new alliance started few days after we announced the departure from NOVA. We wanted a completely new beginning with new allies and new adventure. The ones that we surely get together were our Spanish brothers, as we also share Panzer ID with them. We started talks with Portugal France and Brazil. The initial core was meant to be also the final core of the alliance. There were thoughts of getting more members in, we have friends around like Georgia, Peru, Mexico, Romania, IRAN that also applied.. But we decided that for the sake of game it would be better to keep alliance restricted in members and firepower. We wanted to give the chance to more alliances to arise, make this world interesting. Obviously the plan was not that successful, as MAT alliance tries to pick up each and every country around that has more than 10 active citizens. I wish them luck in their experiment. I really do not know if we will need to expand after all or not, as world is obviously going bipolar again, but we want to give the chance to countries that remain free till now as we speak, to create alliance(s) and be the ruler in this world. I wish them good luck.
6) Word to the USA citizens.
- Citizens. Even if it's not quite clear yet, world is going into a new global war. I know that this time, like all times before that, we will prevail. Cause I know i can depend on you and your determination, as you can depend on me and USA government that we will lead this country the best we can. We get mobilized for war, we are absolutely ready for this, and we will be victorious. What we have to do, is what we did all previous times we messed into world wars: we fight hard, we work as team, we follow the orders of USA Ministry of Defense. For everything that you might need, never hesitate to contact government or Panzer leadership. To Victory!
PR of USA:
Shiba Tasuya

Shiba Tatsuya Willy Wonka

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First denied state loan to Kaveh o7

Goodluck guys o7

No Safer, no vote 

Good luck everyone!


US of A o7

no dani, no vote

Its all fun and games until kaveh cries for loan

More loans to kavi o7

No Kaveh, No vote

Mexico never applied to your alliance.

Lalo I said that we did not invite friends. Iran applied