Публикувано в Poland - Финансови анализи - 30 May 2019 06:02 - 16
Previously, I have declared a will to do something for game process development and declared a bounty for a country which needs it most and can propose best utilization. Some may remember this implied donating my funds I do not need, which are around 600 gold. Not that I feel it is a really big sum; however, compared to recent Tournament prizes and income or accounts of some applicants - still something.
We have received some applications, in comments or PM. I see no real necessity in showing them here, but would like to mention those who applied to help me in making the best choice: danider, Shiroe and Nocte. From what I know, these people are former everything in their and other countries, and that suits well to explain me the things I have no idea of.
So, during the trial, we have rejected applications of top countries, countries with questionable safety of internal politics and countries whose applications sounded more like trolling attempt. Eventually the choice became easier and Poland has been selected.
Thus, Polish Country Treasury receives 600 gold, which is meant to "boost Polish market, create jobs for new players and purchase weapons" in an attempt to regain independence.
Feel free to share your thoughts, positive and negative; as well maybe support Poland.
Previously, I have declared a will to do something for game process development and declared a bounty for a country which needs it most and can propose best utilization. Some may remember this implied donating my funds I do not need, which are around 600 gold. Not that I feel it is a really big sum; however, compared to recent Tournament prizes and income or accounts of some applicants - still something.
We have received some applications, in comments or PM. I see no real necessity in showing them here, but would like to mention those who applied to help me in making the best choice: danider, Shiroe and Nocte. From what I know, these people are former everything in their and other countries, and that suits well to explain me the things I have no idea of.
So, during the trial, we have rejected applications of top countries, countries with questionable safety of internal politics and countries whose applications sounded more like trolling attempt. Eventually the choice became easier and Poland has been selected.
Thus, Polish Country Treasury receives 600 gold, which is meant to "boost Polish market, create jobs for new players and purchase weapons" in an attempt to regain independence.
Feel free to share your thoughts, positive and negative; as well maybe support Poland.
EdgeRolnikGunnerGunnerGunnerGunnerGunnerManiekManiekManiekManiekManiekJccPbzylekmontaAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminAsminКоментари (16)

Congrats Poland, I m really happy for Polish people 

Congrats Poland
you deserve it o7 good job uladzimir


o7 We are very thankfull. We hope to not disappoint you with respect to your will that it won t be used for peronal purpose.




Thank you, I wanted to contact you too but was quite busy with IRL stuffs.
Some time ago - with the help of the Polish community - I have managed to build my first FQ5. Once we will be able to change citizenships I plan to hire people from there (and fill the market with reasonably priced food too).
Two things we currently need the most are single core region for people to sit in, work in and fight from without the need of flying back and forth- and a decent MPP to be able to trade some damage and dump food fights in when not on the priority.

Uladzimir Leanidavich, a rare gesture o7
GL Poland o7

Salute o7



I still think its better to waste that on rl women.

Radovlje, I cannot imagine the ugliness of a real woman which would stick to 600 erev2 gold in RL, really.

Good choice o7